It's time for another very brief installment of one of my favorite ongoing features where I pull the greatest photos and ads from old Pirate, Steeler, and Penguin programs. The program du jour we're breaking down is actually a 1993 Steelers yearbook, and it's got two real highlights. The first is this group photo of the PG sportswriters, featuring a heavily bearded Ron Cook, Bob Smizik almost smiling, and a bunch of other guys wearing really big glasses, which must have been cool in 1993. By the way, you can click on these photos to enjoy them in their expanded glory - this would make a great poster for any Pittsburgh-themed rec room or bar.

Second, we have WPXI's John Fedko dangerously balancing on a pile of every ball known to man to illustrate just how on the ball his reporting really is. While this pales in comparison to his
tuxedo-wearing ad in an '89 Pens program, any vintage Fedko memorabilia is good Fedko memorabilia in my book.

Others from the series:
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Smizik looks like he is anticipating a sudden kick to the nuts from Gene Collier.
Ron Cook must have just got back from selling used cars.
And Chuck Finder has that "I-just-spent-8-straight-hours-watching-internet-porn" look.
The Fedko ads are the greatest. They should create a shrine of Fedko promo posters at the Western PA Sports Museum.
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