Pretend you're an NFL prospect for a second. You've left school a year early. The pressure to raise your draft stock is mounting. Drew Rosenhaus is in one ear, Bill Parcells in the other. And now, after being treated like a piece of meat, you're given the Wonderlic test for one more measurement of who you are.
Well, now's your chance to prove you're smarter than Vince Young, because ESPN has a simulation of the Wonderlic exam that you can take right now. You have four minutes to answer 15 questions. Your future may be riding on it. GO!
Well, now's your chance to prove you're smarter than Vince Young, because ESPN has a simulation of the Wonderlic exam that you can take right now. You have four minutes to answer 15 questions. Your future may be riding on it. GO!
The Wonderlic Exam [ESPN Page 2]
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
I got to take the real Wonderlic for a job interview several years ago. 41. And seriously, if you score a 6 or whatever VY did, you have serious issues. Not at all difficult.
I took a Wonderlic test last year and got a 40 and finished in about 2.5 minutes. A 6 is terrible, i mean, if rope is .10 per foot, how much you you get for 60 cents?
I got 14/15 on the one on espn.com and did it in about 3 minutes because i wasted a little bit of time on the 2,400 words per page question, which i got wrong anyways.
It just goes to show you how absolutely retarded some football players have to be.
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