In an interview with ESPN 1250's Ken Laird, Pirate pitcher Ian Snell was asked about his off-season plans. Laird asked if Snell planned on staying around the city.
Snell's resposne?
"I would never be caught living in Pittsburgh. It's not my type of city."
Snell has already been voted "Jagoff of the Week" on ESPN 1250's Junker and Crow Show, which is a listener-submitted contest. Will this comment come back to haunt Snell with the fans in 2007?
I understand that he wants to go somewhere warm, but he could have chosen his words a little better than that. Snell seems to suffer from diarrhea of the mouth from time to time, so this will probably go into that category.
who can blame him? he plays for the Pirates.
Who can blame him? He has probably come to associate the city with loserdom after two years of playing for the Pirates.
In fact, if it weren't for the Steelers, I think much of the country would feel that way.
The thing about Pittsburghers is that they are very sensitive about stuff like this. Most athletes do not live in the city that they play their sport in....please do not take it personal!!
Ian's got nuts saying this. He's from Delaware for God's sake.
Do you blame him? Pittsburgh has nothing really to offer.
The Pirates will never have a winner, The Pens are close to moving. College Grads are leaving the area faster then Ian's fastball.
I am also a diehard Pittsburgh fan, but the city offers nothing if you are new here.
Make fun of Delaware all you want (i.e. WAYNE'S WORLD - "We're in.....Delaware.").
However, it has great proximity to NYC and DC, plus it has one key feature that Pittsburgh could never have: THE BEACH.
... and Dogfish Head Brewing and Eats.
Being a native of the Glorious First State (Home of Tax Free Shopping) I can understand that Snell might be a bit prejudiced about the Big City life. However, knowing where Snell is from in Delaware, I am not so sure he should be throwing those stones.
Interesting tidbit - Dave Williams (also a Delawarean) and his father recommended Snell to the Pirate scout that signed Williams.
what's it like in his part of deleware?
He's from Dover... I lived there for two years, and it's a pitiful town. Only 30,000 people, but very high crime and nothing at all to do except the beach over an hour away....and not Rehoboth Beach, unless he's gay. Try Dewey Beach just south of Rehoboth. This is one of those downtowns that is all but dead with the wonderful urban sprawl on the edge of town. The only real thing going for Dover in my opinion is the NASCAR races each June and September.
In 2003 I was at the Cal-Carolina league All Star game in southern California. Ian Snell (at the time known as Ian Oquendo) was part of an autograph signing as a Carolina league all star - a band was performing nearby and after the band randomly bantered for awhile, Ian said something to the effect of "That's so f*#&ing stupid!!!"
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