--The star-studded final episode on Savran on Sportsbeat will be re-broadcast tonight at 6:30 EST on FSN Pittsburgh. Maybe this will stop the flood of hate mail being sent to Liberty Media. Nah, probably not.
--Wondering why Pirate bullpen coach Luis Dorante was pitching to Albert Pujols at last night's snoozefest of a Home Run Derby? Here's your answer. [Fox]
--Rinku Singh, he of the 12.00 ERA, was the winning pitcher in last night's GCL Pirates 10-5 win over the Tigers. This completely validates the Pirates' experiment. [MinorLeagueBaseball.com]
--Pedro Alvarez homered last night for Altoona, his 18th home run of the season. And yes, that leads the entire organization. [MinorLeagueBaseball.com]
--Former Pirate Tim Wakefield makes his All-Star debut tonight at the ripe age of 42. Better late than never, right? [PG]
--John Russell's not disappointed in the last-place, free-falling Pirates. That would require the presence of a pulse. [Bob Smizik Blog]
--Johnny Lujack was once The Man, but unfortunately his legacy has faded a bit over time. Hopefully that will change with his induction into the Fayette County Sports Hall of Fame and dedication of the Johnny Lujack Training Facility in Connellsville. [PG]

--ESPN has a new ombudsman. Mondesi's House has yet to follow suit. [Awful Announcing]
Email: Mondesishouse@gmail.com Twitter: twitter.com/mondesishouse Facebook: Facebook Group
I was actually surprised Luke Ravenstahl didn't show up on FSN last night and change his name to Savranstahl or Sportsbeatstahl for the day.
I'm a huge Mondesi fan and love reading this blog. You always put a humorous, informed twist on Pittsburgh sports and I geniunely dig what you fellas do.
However, I felt the need to comment on the Rinku and Dinesh bashing. You've referred to these guys as 'Harold & Kumar' in the past, which seemed a little off color and now you're knocking Rinku for having a 12.00 ERA when the guy had only pitched 3 innings? Granted, he got shelled on July 11th, but c'mon... he hasn't even thrown 100 pitches yet.
The Littlefield regime completely ignored the international market and by signing these guys for peanuts, the Bucs have become the first team in India, the second largest country in the World.
Jack Wilson, the .270 hitting 'grinder' who Bucco fans love, makes more in one game than it cost to sign either one of these guys for the entire season. Even if Dinesh and Patel never make it out of Bradenton, I think opening up the Pirates to an international market makes this 'experiment' worth the risk.
Oh Jesus...
Yeah, I am surprised the ACLU hasn't come after you for making such comments Don!
Burgh- be careful, you might offend somebody with your religous affiliation.
You should have just called them Akbar and Jeff...do they make Pirate fez caps?
and why is there no Pirates presence in the Arctic circle? I hear Eskimo's can throw a mean whale spear and bat the hell out of baby seals.
Oh no, I think I hear the morality police coming.
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