It's been a slow news morning, which means the best I can do for this afternoon is a picture from Steeler minicamp of Brett Keisel Ben Roethlisberger in what looks to be a Mexican wrestling mask. Because the alternative storylines from the national outlets are:
A. The Kentucky Derby and that jockey with the wicked Cajun accent
B. That horrible Hawks-Heat series finally coming to an end
C. Selena Roberts' A-Rod book, which every ESPN radio host seems to hate
D. Brett Favre playing for the Vikings in 2009
No, no, no,
And locally, everyone seems to be complaining about the Penguins' top-heavy scoring and impotent power play, so that's obviously been done to death.
So we'll go with a brief Steeler recap, since I haven't mentioned the Champs in a few days...
--James Farrior is sad to see Larry Foote go. Aren't we all. [PG]
--The Lions might not be interested in trading for Mr. Foote. []
--A.Q. Shipley is planning on making a formal request for Mike Webster's #52. He might have a shot, considering he played alongside Webster's son Garrett at Moon HS. [Daily Collegian Online]
--Shipley and Pitt's Mark Estermeyer are off to good starts. Expect a lot of support to be thrown to this local duo throughout camp. [Beaver County Times]
--Imagine this: the Cardinals re-acquired a former Steeler, lineman Oliver Ross. [PFT]
--Hines Ward wants to retire as a Steeler. So does Limas Sweed. OK, I made that one up. Or did I? [PG]
--But seriously, Sweed and Rashard Mendenhall both want to pick it up in year two. [Trib]
--And so does LB Bruce Davis, who was invisible last year. [Trib]
From the email - the photo ID is confirmed:
Just an FYI, that is actually Big Ben Roethlisberger wearing Keisel’s jersey and the Mexican wrestling mask in the photo on your website. On the last day of minicamp many of the players switched jerseys in addition to adorning their hat of choice… Below is a picture of Keisel wearing Ben’s # 7 and another picture of Roethlisberger sporting # 99.

Send your news, tips, and links to
A. The Kentucky Derby and that jockey with the wicked Cajun accent
B. That horrible Hawks-Heat series finally coming to an end
C. Selena Roberts' A-Rod book, which every ESPN radio host seems to hate
D. Brett Favre playing for the Vikings in 2009
No, no, no,
And locally, everyone seems to be complaining about the Penguins' top-heavy scoring and impotent power play, so that's obviously been done to death.
So we'll go with a brief Steeler recap, since I haven't mentioned the Champs in a few days...
--James Farrior is sad to see Larry Foote go. Aren't we all. [PG]
--The Lions might not be interested in trading for Mr. Foote. []
--A.Q. Shipley is planning on making a formal request for Mike Webster's #52. He might have a shot, considering he played alongside Webster's son Garrett at Moon HS. [Daily Collegian Online]
--Shipley and Pitt's Mark Estermeyer are off to good starts. Expect a lot of support to be thrown to this local duo throughout camp. [Beaver County Times]
--Imagine this: the Cardinals re-acquired a former Steeler, lineman Oliver Ross. [PFT]
--Hines Ward wants to retire as a Steeler. So does Limas Sweed. OK, I made that one up. Or did I? [PG]
--But seriously, Sweed and Rashard Mendenhall both want to pick it up in year two. [Trib]
--And so does LB Bruce Davis, who was invisible last year. [Trib]
From the email - the photo ID is confirmed:
Just an FYI, that is actually Big Ben Roethlisberger wearing Keisel’s jersey and the Mexican wrestling mask in the photo on your website. On the last day of minicamp many of the players switched jerseys in addition to adorning their hat of choice… Below is a picture of Keisel wearing Ben’s # 7 and another picture of Roethlisberger sporting # 99.

Umm.. that is not Keisel, that is actually Ben, disguised and messing with the rookies. Ben did that a lot this weekend.
It's funny how Keisel and Big ben have identical body types to pull off the switch
just wanted to remind everyone that today is the 92 day anniversary of when the Steelers won the greatest superbowl ever played. slow news day my ass.
Is that Lee Flowers in the foreground of the pic?
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