--The auction of the Pirates' opening-day apparel to benefit the Fallen Heroes fund is now complete, and the high-ticket item is.....a Matt Capps hat and jersey? Yep, Matt Capps. And it went for a whopping $2,625, one of five jersey and cap sets to crack the $2,000 barrier. [Pirates.com]

--Speaking of the Buccos, that Nady/Marte-to-the-Yankees deal is looking pretty sweet right now, no? [KDKA/PSI]
--Former Steeler Carlton Haselrig is coming to Johnstown...for an MMA event. OK, you have my attention... [Straight Outta Johnstown]

--Former Steeler Carlton Haselrig is coming to Johnstown...for an MMA event. OK, you have my attention... [Straight Outta Johnstown]

--DJ Gallo offers up a list of the best and worst promotions on the 2009 MLB calendar. The Indians are really having a Wild Thing Vaughn Bobblehead night? Genius. [ESPN.com]

--Does the famous Visionary of Medjugorje have any insight on the Steelers? Of course, someone felt the need to ask this at a recent appearance she made in Pittsburgh. [PB&G]

--What's the most popular story on WPXI's website right now? How about "Porn Film To Be Shown On CMU Campus"? [WPXI]
--Gotta love the quotes from future Pitt Panther guard Isaiah Epps:
"I want to make them No. 1 in the nation," Epps said. "I want to be their leading scorer, lead them in assists, just make them good in everything. I want to be one and done, too. I want to go straight to the NBA after a year."
Sounds like confidence will not be a problem with this guy. And by the way, he's the #11-ranked point guard in the incoming class of 2010. [PG]

--Every once in a while, I highlight a really interesting article that isn't exactly Pittsburgh-centric. And this lengthy piece ESPN recently did on Lenny Dykstra's financial career certainly fits the bill. It's a must-read. [ESPN.com]
--Gotta love the quotes from future Pitt Panther guard Isaiah Epps:
"I want to make them No. 1 in the nation," Epps said. "I want to be their leading scorer, lead them in assists, just make them good in everything. I want to be one and done, too. I want to go straight to the NBA after a year."
Sounds like confidence will not be a problem with this guy. And by the way, he's the #11-ranked point guard in the incoming class of 2010. [PG]

--Every once in a while, I highlight a really interesting article that isn't exactly Pittsburgh-centric. And this lengthy piece ESPN recently did on Lenny Dykstra's financial career certainly fits the bill. It's a must-read. [ESPN.com]

--And on a more positive note, Cal Ripken's entrepreneurial skills have grown into a partnership with Under Armour. He's pretty much the anti-Lenny Dykstra in every way possible. [Rum Bunter]
--Snuggie-clad Yinzers recently invaded the South Side. At least they were warm. [Kiss 96.1 Freak Show]
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
--Snuggie-clad Yinzers recently invaded the South Side. At least they were warm. [Kiss 96.1 Freak Show]
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
The Indians need to do a Pedro Cerrano bobblehead sponsored by AllState!!!
Now that would make my life
If you're looking for interesting promotions, here's one from the minors.
Folks from West Virginia may be the only people that understand what I'm talking about but... the WV Power, the Pirates single-A affiliate in Charleston, are doing a Jesco White bobblehead night(technically it's a bobblefeet).
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