Big Lead Sports Bar



Adam the Penn State fan has found an ally: it's Oregon State fans, who've compiled a list of Five Reasons to Hate Pitt, with the author going to the lengths of calling Pitt fans "some of the most arrogant that I have come across yet".

Oh, so it's like that, Oregon State? That's a lot of crowing from a school that ranks Chad Johnson as one of their most distinguished alumni. Don't worry, I'm sure the arrogant Pitt fans will have a response.

Five Reasons to Hate Pitt [Building the Dam]

*And thanks to Adam for sending me the link. It's nice to see how dislike of Pitt can bring school fan bases together.

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BurressWithButterflywings said...

Pitt fans on Black Shoe Diaries must be bad to look more arrogant that PSU fans. OSU fans are also siding with a team who beat their heads in earlier this season, any port in the storm i guess?

I also love the #1 reason, because Pitt kicked the $h!t out of them and the allusion to Mike Hass being better than Larry Fitz.....

Adam said...

Um, if I recall correctly, the Beavers were in the run for the Rose Bowl until the last week of the season...Just saying, it doesn't like they're running from much of a storm if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

The arrogance of Penn Staters is the #1 reason I hate it up here.

I can't wait until I graduate. I should've went to Pitt.

Adam said...

arrogance > ignorance my friend.

Katie said...

I live in Portland, OR and really have to say that I don't find Beavers' fans that arrogant. The ones I know are kind of nice. Ducks fans, on the other hand, are pains in the butt. I've been enjoying the back and forth banter with co-workers and friends and we're all looking forward to a fun game. Can't we just be proud that Pennsylvania is representing in the bowls? Why must we all take this so personally. As a side note, Beaver fans should be happy that the game is being played in a warm climate because this week has definitely shown me that Oregonians cannot deal with snow. I've had three snow days this week for less than three inches of snow.

Anonymous said...

What am I ignorant to Adam?

PSU's self professed superiority?

Seriously, I'm fine with having pride in your school, but PSU students take it too far. Everything we do is the best in the world. It's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Katie asking self-absorbed Penn States to be proud of anything other than their football team's mediocre accomplishments or their obvious superiority to any school in the country is like asking Lou Holtz not to lisp.

It ain't gonna happen.

the nigerian nightmare said...

"Pitt Yellow Out"..........fantastic.

the nigerian nightmare said...

...and hey Nascent, I'm sure they wish you would've went to Pitt too.

Also, I think two conference championships and 4 bowl wins in the last 4 years qualifies as a little better than 'mediocre'. What's your school done recently?

the nigerian nightmare said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Adam said...

Alrite "Nascent", you want mediocrity, here you go.

Pitt has had their BEST season this year since 1982, the first time they've won nine games since that year, in which Penn State was the only blemish on Pitt's 11-1 record after a 48-14 blowout.

Pitt has won 9 games ONCE since then. Penn State has done it 17 TIMES in the same span!

If you're not into the "PSU is the greatest place on earth" thing, I can understand that, but I'd warn you, EVERY school is like that, or we wouldn't be having this argument in the first place.

Think about this. If, to you, Penn State is mediocre, then what is Pitt, and who in God's name are Pitt fans to talk to us? I'd say, to defend a record as pitiful as Pitt's, you'd have to be much more ignorant than any PSU fan could be arrogant.

the nigerian nightmare said...

Oh god, I said 4 bowl wins didn't I....way to jinx them.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Adam, I am a Pitt fan. I always will be. Have they been great lately? Of course not.

But I don't know any Pitt fans who act like Pitt is a great team.

EVERY Penn State fan I've met thinks they should've gone to the National Championship Game had they beaten Iowa, meanwhile they played absolutely no one in their non-conference schedule and wouldn't even be able to hang on the field with Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, or Alabama.

You're right, Pitt's record is indefensible, but to act like the Nittany Lions are some kind of powerhouse is hilarious.

And what really gets me, if Penn State is so far above Pitt, why do people like you and other Penn State fans HATE Pitt? As a Steelers fan I don't give a shit about the Eagles. They're nothing to me.

Penn State fans always talk about how insignificant Pitt is, and yet they can't help but hate Pitt. Why is that? Why do these arrogant Penn Staters hate a school that is so far below them?

I don't get it.

Adam said...

#1, I don't know how an undefeated Penn State wouldn't have deserved a title berth. Not even the most biased experts would have had a case to keep the only BCS unbeaten out of the title game, no matter who they played in the OOC.

#2 Oklahoma and Texas don't play defense. Florida lost to Ole Miss AT HOME! Could they beat us? Sure, but to suggest we don't belong on the same field as them is ridiculous.

#3 I can't go 10 feet with any PSU apparel on in this town without a JoePa poop joke.

Anonymous said...

1. I don't know, did they beat anyone good? I guess Oregon State and Ohio State. I'd take a 1-loss team that at least played someone good and lost than an undefeated team who really played and beat no one significant.

2. I disagree.

3. So? Up here in State College I get shit for wearing Pens gear and Steelers gear. Does it bother me? Hell no.

If Pitt is so insignificant than certainly their fans making lame jokes about Ancient Joe Paterno's Depends would just roll off your back?

I laugh off anti-Steelers remarks from Eagles and Giants fans all the time. Does it make me hate those teams? No. Because to me they are insignificant.

Adam said...

But no one lost to an undefeated team this year did they?

Anonymous said...


Adam said...

nevermind. Read that wrong. I thought you were suggesting that you'd rather see a once beaten who lost to an undefeated than an unbeaten Penn State.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yeah I figured.

I'd make a joke about you being a good ambassador for Penn State with your reading comprehension abilities but that would be making fun of myself as well, and well, that would be dumb.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, guys.

Oregon State?


Like anyone even gives a shit.

This game is a perfect example of why the bowl system is a joke. I couldn't even tell you what town is home to "this" OSU (not Ohio St. or Okla St., the far more prominent OSU's).

And Mary May is right. Larry Fitz should have won the Heisman in '03.

Professor Chaos said...

"Well guys, as we all know, it's natural for us Oregon Staters to make friends. Other then[sic] when we play Oregon, we have some of the kindest fans in the country. We are passionate more[sic] about our team then[sic] we are hating whoever we are playing, which I think is the case for a lot of fans these days. So I gave Pitt a chance."

An English major?

HotDog_Zanzabar said...

I liked it more when adam wasn't around. I guess we'll next be hearing how awesome their volleyball team is, or how great the ice cream is. But that doesn't matter because Pitt is so irrelevant, right? Talk about a personality complex, he's making friends with Oregon State fans? Aren't there some fat girls (or guys) you should be striking out with instead of discussing a team and befriending their opponents fans?

Adam said...

Hey now, its not as if I started this whole thing, I just sent in the link.

I found it funny that a fanbase clear across the country has the same impressions of you as we do.

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...


They have those impressions because YOU HELPED GIVE THEM TO THEM!!

Why would Penn State fans care about our game with Oregon State anyways?

Don't they know that Pitt doesn't give a crap about Penn State anymore? They're unimportant to us.

WVU's our real rival, and they've been much more successful recently than Penn State anyways. And does Penn State even play basketball anymore? I mean, who are they to say anything bad about us when they don't even have the decency to TRY and field a decent basketball team? How dare they!!

I mean damn guys, we've moved on, I suggest the Nitters do the same.

And while you're at it, please stop lieing about our players. I know you're obsessed with him for some reason, but Shady didn't go to Pitt because he didn't qualify academically for Penn State. Both teams pursued him out of prep school, and he chose Pitt. It's a fact, you can look it up. And, like I said, you shouldn't be worried about him or what we do. We're not rivals, we don't care about you anymore.

Anyways, I love how the Oregon State people played on 100 year old and BADLY dated stereotypes about Pittsburgh. "It's smoggy and smells bad there! HAHAHAHA!" (meanwhile they show a picture of Pittsburgh where it is perfectly sunny out).

I mean, and this is not an insult to them, but I really can't muster up hate for Oregon State. I'm just completely indifferent to the state itself and their team. Quizz Rogers is a nice running back though, I hope he gets to play in the bowl game so we can showcase two of the better backs in the country (but if you think Rogers will make a better pro than Shady, then you probably think something crazy like Mike Hass is better than Larry Fitzgerald).

Terry_Kelly said...

Here's a question . . . who the hell is Mike Hass? I think it goes without saying that whoever he is, he never made a catch like the one Larry made in the first quarter of the 2002 Insight Bowl.

nuthinhere said...

I used to hate Pitt. That hate has turned into a fairweather rooting interest over the years. PSU & Pitt are not rivals anymore. Why act like they still are. I'll be rooting for Pitt in the Sun Bowl, but I'm mostly looking forward to Penn State's upset of USC. Who doesn't want to see the tears of pampered Californians.

okel dokel said...

Welcome back Louis, you have been missed.

Anonymous said...


the nigerian nightmare said...

WVU has been "much more successful" than PSU "recently?" Let's look at these things called 'statistics' before we make statements like that.

Over the last 4 seasons:

Overall record:
PSU: 40-10
WVU: 41-9

Conference championships:
PSU: 2
WVU: 2

BCS Bowl Berths:
PSU: 2
WVU: 2

Bowl Record:
PSU: 3-0
WVU: 3-0

Yeah WVU has OBVIOUSY been MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL than PSU. I could give two craps about WVU, actually I tend to root for them and they've obviously been a fantastic team over the last four years. Guess what, so has Penn State. Do some research next time before making a completely IDIOTIC and uninformed statement.

the nigerian nightmare said...

...and really, do you have to stretch so much that you have to bring other sports into the argument? Penn State basketball sucks. It's not a good program. Pitt's basketball program is better than Penn State's. See people, it's really not hard to admit these things when they're true. I don't have an inferiority complex about college basketball.

HotDog_Zanzabar said...

We had to absorb Adam's idiotic post to get LLiMH to post again

the nigerian nightmare said...

Actually to break away from all the hatred I'm just kind of curious about something Nascent said. You get crap at Penn State for wearing Steelers/Pens stuff? I went to PSU from 03-07 and I would say that the Pittsburgh fans/Philly fans ratio is fairly even. I wore my Pittsburgh sports team stuff all the time and sure every once in a while you'll hear something maybe on a bar night when people are drunk, but the Philly fans hear it too from us just as bad. I mean I'm sure you hear stuff, but it goes both ways.

Another thing I found curious was that you don't care what the Eagles do. If everyone is giving you crap and the fans are so obnoxious, wouldn't you hate the Eagles? I know I did. Just so non-PSU'ers get an idea of this, I would venture to say that the Pittsburgh pro sports/Philly pro sports hatred on the campus of Penn State is beyond any hatred that you've ever seen before. I specifically remember the playoffs in 2006, after losing to the Pats in the AFC championship game, rooting for Tom Brady like he was Ben Roethlisberger part deux just so the Philly fans would be emotionally crushed for the next 6 months. This is all made more complicated now by the fact that my girlfriend is an Eagles fan (I at least got her to convert to the Pens).

Adam said...

As far as basketball programs go:

#1 Coach Ed will never be confused with John Wooden, but hes doing his best with what he has. The program, despite being marginalized within the athletic department, is as healthy as it has been in years. Anything close to Pitt? No, but with the upsets of Indiana and Michigan St. (yea THAT Michigan State), I feel like we're going in the right direction.

#2 What exactly has Pitt done in basketball? Some Sweet 16s? Whoopdeedoo! Pitt fans like to think they're in the same breath as the Carolinas and Dukes of the world, but the truth is they aren't anywhere close. You need to win championships to get into that conversation, or at least make Final Fours. Pitt has not done that. Would I like to see PSU in the tournament? Heck yes, but I'm not gonna get all high and mighty after a few half baked runs in the postseason like Pitt fans do.

As for McCoy, I've never made that argument myself. All I know is Pitt wanted him a lot more than we did. We have Evan Royster and Stephon Green, so I could frankly care less about Shady. Hes a good back, but we have our own good backs. Maybe thats why we were 11-1?

And now, your environmental note for the day. In a recent study, Pittsburgh and many of its suburbs rank in the lowest 20% nationally for air quality. The OrSU fans have a point.

mdesus said...

Quick about Penn State's academic standards.

I went to a boarding school that yearly took in a player (sometimes more) who didn't qualify right away academically to penn state. Joe Pa got them some sort of free tuition deal there. They'd send them there to pull up grades and test scores. (daryl clark and curtis enis both alumni).
Other Notes:
Pitt is a higher ranked academic institution.
Happy Valley is good for binge drinking, and hunting.
Also Clems Barbecue.
Pittsburgh crushes in every other way (and maybe binge drinking too).

HotDog_Zanzabar said...

I think all schools send players to prep school. I stepped out of the discussion when adam actually researched air quality statistics. This isn't your standard pain in the rear, he has deep issues to take it to that extent

the nigerian nightmare said...

mdesus once again shows the ignorance of Pitt supporters.

"Pitt is a higher ranked academic institution."

Actually, the US News and World Report 2009 college academic rankings (the most widely used and popular academic rankings there are in this country), have PSU at #47 overall and Pitt at #58. Once again, if you people want to stop looking like complete morons and hearing crap from us, THEN DON'T SAY THINGS THAT AREN'T TRUE. DO SOME RESEARCH.

Adam said...

#1 I didn't go out of my way to research the air quality. It just so happened that USA Today came out with the study this past week, and, I was disturbed to find the Pittsburgh area so low.

#2 I don't think there is any reason to argue over academics. Most people would kill to go to either one of them. Even as a PSU fan, not only do I respect Pitt's med program, but I take pride in it. God knows we're going to need it with the crappy air quality ;) Theres no need to quibble over academic rankings. They're both great schools.

BURGH08 said...

I can't imagine Adam getting into either of them.

BurressWithButterflywings said...

Oh how we all missed Penn State Adam. His blind love for all things Penn State definitely warms my heart around the holidays.

And for those who feel that Pitt's basketball program is merely mediocre: 144-40 under Dixon, that's a .766 winning %.

They should go further in the tournaments, yes, but finishing ranked in the top 25 6 of the last 7 years isnt anything to sneeze at. Nor is 24 or more wins 6 of the last 7 years.

Not even the infallable Penn State Football program can boast those kinds of numbers recently.

Adam said...

Never called Pitt mediocre. They're good, but no more. They aren't North Carolina, Duke, Michigan St., or Florida. Heck, they're not even at UCONN's level, despite what they may do against them in the regular season.

BurressWithButterflywings said...

ok, I apologize, I mistook " a few half baked runs" for a jeer.

Do you happen to have a Doug Gottlieb fathead in your bedroom as well?


Since you seem to be an authority on everything, air quality included, why are you wasting your time trading barbs with a bunch of lowly and ill-informed Pitt fans?

BURGH08 said...

It's because deep down 'Adam' knows he is the joke here, and he thinks his only way to dig from that hole is a hopeless attempt to win an argument he can't win. Mostly because he has no credibility here.

Look at the way the blog here even refers to him, and he seems to be the last to understand it.

The entertainment value is quality though. The air quality is a good one, but nothing tops his article about needing to rush into a Penn State game 'to watch the drum major perform'.

That I think sums up the kind of lad we are dealing with here.

Adam said...

What argument can't I win? I'm the one that always has an answer. Whenever any of you Pitt fans get shut down, you just move to the next topic, to which I again shoot you down. Its a conundrum.

These are the things I believe that no reasonable person can argue with.

#1 Penn State has a far superior football program.

#2 Pitt has a far superior basketball program.

#3 Pitt needs the football rivalry to be renewed far more than Penn State does.

#4 Penn State's gameday experience exceeds Pitt's.

The Pitt fans I'm friends with that can accept those four facts, I generally get along with. Then there are the ignorant ones who don't get it, with whom I argue (you all).

BURGH08 said...

The only reason people move to the next topic is because you are like the mailman. You just keep coming back and mostly bring junk here.

Pitt doesn't need the football rivalry renewed. Hell, I could care less, and most Pitt fans feel the same way. There is a whole generation of people that don't even understand what the fuss is about.

People like yourself have nothing else to cling to other than being a Penn State fan, and you try to present an air of superiority just because you can go do Dick's and buy a Nittany Lion shirt. Or go to Happy Valley and take pictures of the Drum Major.

I'm looking foward to how Penn State's janitors have more eco friendly cleaning supplies than their Oakland counterparts.

Keep up the good work.

the nigerian nightmare said...

Keep up the inferiority complex.

The 4 points Adam made are all true. Any neutral party would agree with every statement.

And he's also right, funny how everyone talks crap about him yet he's the only one that ever brings actual facts and stats to the argument.

BurressWithButterflywings said...

I don't think that he understands either.

Adam wants us to consider Penn State's football program a nation elite, but won't give Pitt's basketball program (whose average end of season rank is 13-14th over the last 7 years) the same respect.

I feel that Pitt doesn't need the Penn State rivalry. Unlike Penn State, Pitt has a real rival; in WVU. Not just one ESPN assigns them for Rivalry Week. Maybe Coastal Carolina can be their next rival.

Adam said...

Pardon me, BURGH08. I'll have you know I'm a season ticket holder, and, unlike Pitt season tickets, I pay a good bit of money for them. Additionally, I don't buy my Penn State apparel at lowly Dick's. I shop at the fine shops of College Ave. in State College.

As for Penn State's "lack of a rival" bear in mind, College Gameday has broadcast live from the OSU-PSU game the last four years straight. Find me another series hotter than this one right now. The last 4 years, the winner of the game won the Big 10. If Pitt-WVU ever gets that big, you give me a call.

Finally, I've not asked for the "national elite" tag quite yet. Should we beat Southern Cal, I think we'll be in that category, but not yet. We need a signature non-con. win to get us there, much as Pitt needs a deep run in the NCAAs to get to that National level.

p.s. 13-14th is not "elite" if you ask me...or anyone...

BURGH08 said...

So now you are basing any credibility you think you have on A.) being a season ticket holder and B.)claiming to spend more than a Pitt fan does for tickets?

If that's the case, maybe I should makes offensive calls at Heinz this Sunday or make lineup changes tonight in the Igloo.

Penn State won't beat Southern Cal, but if they do, they still won't be an 'elite' program. Since 2005, West Virginia finished in the Top 10 three times. Penn State if they win the Rose Bowl will have 2 Top Ten finishes in the same span.

You consider WVU an 'elite' program?

Lastly, on your 'PSU-OSU Rivalry', ask 20 OSU fans their 'rivalry' game. I bet you can't find one of them that says it's Penn State, and you would be a fool to think otherwise.

Hey, at least you have the battle for the Land Grant Trophy. Do they sell replicas of those at the 'fine stores' you shop at?

Adam said...

O, how shortsighted of you. Success goes beyond the rankins dear sir. Allow me to bring this down from above (Thanks nigerian nightmare) and expand it:

Over the last 4 seasons:

Overall record:
PSU: 40-10
WVU: 41-9
UF: 43-9
USC: 45-6
OU: 42-11

Conference championships:
PSU: 2
WVU: 2
UF: 2
USC: 4
OU: 3

BCS Bowl Berths:
PSU: 2
WVU: 2
UF: 2
USC: 4
OU: 3

Bowl Record:
PSU: 3-0
WVU: 3-0
UF: 2-1
USC: 2-1
OU: 1-2

How can you say that PSU and WVU aren't elite? I don't get it. The numbers speak for themselves.

And as far as Ohio State-Penn State goes, I'll take being their second rival and playing huge games every season with conference titles and BCS berths on the line, rather than being Pitt's #1 with nothing to gain, and everything to lose.

BURGH08 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BURGH08 said...

I can say that PSU and WVU are not 'elite' because you don't factor the following into the equation:

* The strength of conference. The Big Ten and Big East are not as strong top to bottom as the Big 12 or SEC.

* Over the last four years, if you take the out of conference opponents of Penn State, you can come up with double digit wins against non BCS teams. These were the likes of Florida International, Youngstown State, Coastal Carolina, and that in state rival they have played and beaten the last THREE YEARS.....TEMPLE.

Add to that your yearly Big Ten bottom feeders, and that 40 wins isn't very impressive, let alone 'elite'. Those same four years USC played three non BSC teams (Idaho, Hawaii, and a ranked Fresno State).

Anyone can spout numbers, but when you are actually digging into them, they can easily be dissected.

* The one thing we do agree on is that Penn State playing Pitt has 'nothing to gain, everything to lose', but it's more of a product of college football than Penn State as a program.

Penn State fans are like Pirate fans. The last thing they care about is the actual game. The sheep can be herded in to smell the 'grill and manure', to 'rush in to see the drum major' you cite.

They pack the stadium knowing they will drill some tin can, and that's why athletic directors can keep scheduling them. The sheep will fill the gates, and it keeps their profile up for fans like you that spout numbers.

Hey, at least you will settle for being the 'poor man's Michigan' for the Buckeyes.

Adam said...

Not so fast my friend.

I feel compelled to direct you to the following articles:

The first lists the top ten teams that rack up wins against bad competition from 1998-2007 (note: a much larger sample size than yours). The list 10 down to one is as follows: Minnesota, Arkansas, Kansas, Ole Miss, Okla. St, Oregon St., Texas Tech, LSU, Miss. St., and Alabama. Thats 5 SEC teams, and 3 Big 12 teams. Also note, only one Big 10 team in Minn.

The second list gives teams that don't avoid competition. This list goes 1 down to ten, and goes as follows 1-8: Florida St, Southern Cal, Georgia Tech, UCLA, North Carolina, Michigan St., Iowa, and Miami. Several teams are tied at #9, Clemson, Duke, Penn St., Stanford, Syracuse, and Virginia. Notre Dame rounds out the list at 10.

The list included 7 ACC schools and 3 Big 10 schools, and 3 Pac-10 schools, but lacked a Big 12 or SEC school.

So as you can see, these statistics totally defeat your argument against our non conference schedules. It also eats away at your strength of conference argument, because while the Big 12 and SEC might be tougher than the Big 10, ACC, or Pac-10, the latter leagues play tougher outside their league schedules.

It all balances out.

BURGH08 said...

So my 'argument is defeated' because Penn State played Florida International, Youngstown State, Coastal Carolina, and Temple the last three years?

You never argue the point, you just attempt to change the argument.

Nice try though. So did Daddy pay for your trip to the Rose Bowl too?

Pete the Streak said...

Wow. Did the Panthers truly drop a goose egg to Oregon State? Good grief.

I guess 9 wins is as good as it gets anymore.