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A recap of your favorite links, named in honor of Mike Tomlin
"I'm not telling a story. I'm reporting the news."
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25 links today. Go nuts!
--Willie Parker says he wants to be better than Ladainian Tomlinson. Guess what? I think he could be.
--The Stats Geek examines the mystery wrapped in an enigma and deep-fried in a riddle, Jason Bay.
--Jack Wilson might be a Detroit Tiger by the end of the day, and realize that it is possible to play for a team that wins more than it loses.
--How close to the bottom are the Pirates in SI's Power Rankings? I'll put it to you this way: if they were a Division I football team, they'd undoubtedly be on Penn State's 2007 schedule.
--Ben Roethlisberger's main squeeze, Missy Peregrym, lets it be known that she wants to play Wonder Woman in the upcoming film adaptation.
--Atlanta needed to fill their gaping hole at first base caused by an offseason trade with the Pittsburgh Pirates. So the Braves will end up with Mark Teixeira and the Pirates end up with Adam LaRoche. That sounds fair to me.
--Who's worse, Dave Littlefield or Matt Millen? Now that's a question that requires some real thinking.
--Here's an open letter to Cleveland from Brady Quinn. Honestly, I couldn't be more excited for the Quinn Era. I'm so looking forward to Steeler fans hating on him for years to come.
--High school football is all Mike Polk has. (you really have to read this one)
--Dejan Kovacevic talks to the angriest fans in America: Pirate fans.
--Here's a gallery of mugshots featuring recent arrestees wearing jerseys. And yes, the Steelers are represented.
--Wondering what Bill Simmons thought about his beloved Celtics acquiring Kevin Garnett? Wonder no more.
--Michael Vick cards are disappearing from 2007 football card sets. Yeah, I'd say Vick memorabilia would be a pretty bad investment these days.
--Fantasy football players, take note: stud 49ers running back Frank Gore just broke his hand.
--Former Pirate Bill Robinson dies at the age of 64, and former 49ers coach Bill Walsh passes away at age 75.
--What if the Simpsons Movie was re-cast with athletes?
--Paris Hilton just got cut out of the Hilton family will, a move that will cost her $60 million.
--How are cities fighting gangs these days? The old fashioned way: they're suing them.


Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

The "Worst Year in Sports" by city thing was awesome!

They left out Pittsburgh's 2003 year though.

The usually reliable Steelers tried the "AirCowher/Tommy Gun/Amos fucking Zereoue" project and wound up 6-10.

The Penguins had sold off the last of the remaining pieces of their 1990s run, employed a dude named "Ramzi Abid" and were the worst team in hockey.

And the Pirates were the Pirates... and as an added crotch punch, wasn't this the year of the Aramis Ramirez deal?

I mean, that may have been the worst year in Pittsburgh sports I can recall outside of 85 (which I really don't recall very well because I was still pretty small then).

How did it not make the list?!

Sean said...

I'm a huge fan of Fast Willie, but Tomlinson is in his own class of the current running backs.

Free Pacman said...

Weren't the Pirates looking at getting Texiera, but didn't want to give up Paul Maholm and John Grabow? I'm glad that we traded our closer, who never blew a save, to the Braves for LaRoche, though. That's really working out well for us.

Anonymous said...

I just figured out why Penn State won't play Pitt!

Pitt needs to become more Pirate-like and then they'll become a regular on the Penn State schedule. Hey, Penn State needs to win, you know? They can't risk losing in front of a 100,000 brainwashed followers, so Temple looks real good about now.

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

In all fairness pacman, didn't Gonzalez blow out his arm early in the year and he's done for the season or something?

I mean, at least the guy we got is still on the field.

Jonny Van Mundegaarde said...

People, people, Littlefield has a plan! I can't wait to see the "prospects" we get in a couple hours when we deal our bullpen. '03 was a shit year in Pittsburgh Lou, it seems like it's been longer that we haven't had Aramis, but it was that year. And so happy to see our search for a third baseman to replace him is going well. God bless training camp.

Bic said...

Finding the worst year in Pgh. sports is easy. Find any year where the Steelers had less than 8 wins and go from there.

And I hope for Jack Wilson's sake we trade him. Where ever he goes I'll root for him. That said, I don't think he's going anywhere until after the season is over.

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

C'mon now Dennis.

The Pens held down the fort when the Steelers had some bad years in the 90s.

Hell, the Steelers missed the playoffs and the Pirates still suck so the Pens are holding down the fort as we speak!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to swing through and says thanks for the link love. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

This Matt Morris thing is officially an embarrassment. I've been taunted on email by 3 people from random parts of the country who have checked in to laugh at the Buccos.


Willie Parker is now now LaWillie Tomlinson - in name only.

I remember 1985 in Pittsburgh sports. I'll leave it at this: Rich Ernberg was such a star for the Steelers that he did the TV ads for the former Spear Chevrolet, now known as Century III Chevrolet.

The Polk column about high school sports is definitely worth the read.

How does Alyssa Milano stay so hot?

Percey Fever said...

Couple things.
Number 1, -"Willie Parker says he wants to be better than Ladainian Tomlinson. Guess what? I think he could be."-
I'll pretend I never read that. Willie is just fast behind a monster line. He can't cut, he can't---I don't even know why I'm commenting, biggest load of bullshit I've ever read.

Number 2, "Free Pacman" needs to get his facts straight up there. Pirates offered Maholm and Grabow, but Texas turned it down. Mike Gonzo? He pitched in 6 games for the Braves this year before gettin shut down for the season. Meanwhile, LaRoche has improved every month since his horrid start, he'll get us 100 rbi's at the end of the season. Matt Capps has been lights out. I think that's actually one that worked out well for us Pac.
Give the Morris trade time before crying about it Cecil. Were you really that attached to Rajai Davis? Really? At least it proves Nutting is not afraid to spend a little cash for once, and on a former cy young canidate. (just 2 seasons ago) Besides, we have an option on him for next season. I actually applaud the Pirates for bringing in a big name pitcher for once.