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Friday Steeler Quick Hits

Lots of good stuff on the AFC Championship today, here are a few:

-Wiz Khalifa will be performing the smash Black and Yellow before the game on Sunday. As Bill Simmons would say, "Enthusiastically co-sign." This should be the Steeler anthem for the next decade. Debate closed.


-Mayor Steelerstahl is back at it again, this time debating his football bet with Mayor Bloomberg and appearing on ESPN's First Take. He works hard for the money. [96.1 Kiss Freak Show]

-Rod Woodson was on with Seibel and Starkey and said he wouldn't put Big Ben in his top-5 list of QBs. Following that, Sean Salisbury was on the show and said he values winning the most in a QB, then ranked Philip Rivers 4th and Ben fifth. Let's say I'll enthusiastically agree to disagree with these two gentlemen. [93.7 The Fan]

-Bill Cowher picked the Jets to beat the Steelers. Obviously, this was an attention grab. Really, would it be a stand-alone story in the Trib if he picked the Steelers? [Trib]

-Sports media members are all writing the same Ben Roethlisberger story, says Fire Rick Reilly.

-And on that note, are the Steeler fans in this photo really how the national media sees us? I'd say that's bordering on incredibly sad. What's the message here? "OK Ben, you have to answer for your misdeeds to these grown men dressed up like it's Halloween."

Mondesi's House: The Director's Cut (more links, commentary, etc):


Anonymous said...

Does anybody know the story for the guy wearing the Tomlin Time hat? He used to wear the Cowher Power hat. He comes all the way from Baltimore every week to watch home games.

Borsk said...

That article on ESPN was bogus. Nobody in Pittsburgh cares about Ben's suspension or off-the-field issues anymore, as predicted.

Jonny Van Mundegaarde said...

I think Cowher purposely picks against the Steelers in big games, it's not the first time he has done it. I think that as long as he isn't coaching another team, he does that just to add a little more fuel to the fire. He coached alot of those players, he knows it fires them up just a little bit more when their former coach picks against them...

Nate said...

@Bar Keep: That's pretty cool. I wonder what keeps him in Baltimore, though? It seems like it would make a lot more economic sense to just move to Pittsburgh...that's got to be a killer trip on gas and lodging every week. He must either have strong family ties or a great job in Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

I love my home city, but I'll pass on the shi**y rap, thanks.

Dave said...

Cowher also picked the Hurricanes over the Pens before Sid and Geno got out the broom in the '09 playoffs.

Adam Swiger said...

WOW!!! I forgot about Sean Salisbury. Until you mentioned his name, i forgot he even existed. I didn't even realize he was gone from espn. Did a quick search on him and apparently he was fired from ESPN because of some kind of "cell phone incident". haha

HomeRunFromBehindTheMeatballs said...

Everyone knows that the Wiz song has nothing to do with steelers football, right? Or are we all that ignorant?

@Adam- hahaha. Would that be similar to hewhosnameshallnotbespoken's 'cell phone incident'?

Borsk said...

What did we win in that bet?

HomeRunFromBehindTheMeatballs said...

@Eric - what bet are you referring to?

Borsk said...

I thought Steelerstahl was betting Bloomberg or something as mayors normally do