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2-8 Bengal Receivers Call Big Ben 'Soft'

I don't know why I'm acting like anything said on the T. Ocho Show is relevant, but here's a clip from the most recent episode in which the reality stars who double as the face of a disappointing football team take a cheap shot at Big Ben.

It was Owens who referred to the Steeler QB as 'soft' for being taken down so quickly by Richard Seymour, which is an adjective probably more appropriate in describing his 2010 Bengal teammates, who allowed 35 unanswered to Buffalo on Sunday. That's soft, Mr. Owens.

And by the way, I still haven't forgiven Troy Polamalu for appearing on this show earlier this season. I  sure hope it sold a lot of extra shampoo.

Mondesi's House: The Director's Cut (more links, commentary, etc):


Anonymous said...

Remember, this guy took out a full page add in the Cincinnati paper prior to the season touting the "talented" bungals and they were super bowl bound!

Rename the show!

Turd Ocho!

Anonymous said...

Remember, this guy took out a full page add in the Cincinnati paper prior to the season touting the "talented" bungals and they were super bowl bound!

Rename the show!

Turd Ocho!

BurressWithButterflywings said...

Let's not forgot Chad Johnson calling the Steelers girls over the summer.

These 2 should really be doing this reality show and not, you know, focusing on football.

I will always remember when Troy knocked Johnson's golden grill out. I will also always remember him saying "the Steelers are black and white TV, the Bengals are color television. Time to change the channel."

I hope Ben heard that loud and clear.

BurressWithButterflywings said...

Also, I would like to see one of those ass clowns take an uppercut to the jaw from a guy who is 6'6" 320 lbs.

BurressWithButterflywings said...

Oh yeah, and look who their QB is. The second biggest Pussy in the league behind Tom Lady and just ahead of Horseface Manning.

Bababooey said...

Burress, couldn't agree with you more. Let these guys focus on their reality TV series instead of focusing on what really matters, which should be their NFL careers. These guys will always be thought of as great players, but never great champions due to their selfish behavior.

HomeRunFromBehindTheMeatballs said...

I've been waiting all season for this over at the AFC North blog. It's 'remember the offseason' featuring what all the bungals fans were saying... you guessed it, during the offseason!

BURGH08 said...

Wonder if someone asked him if sobbing over a quarterback is soft.

Or this may be wrong, but how about overdosing on sleeping pills because you are depressed?

Nate said...

Ryan Clark really nailed it on Twitter with this one:

"To T.O. calling Ben soft all I can say is 'That's my teammate, that's my quarterback' As i cry and my lips quiver. Wait that was him. lol"