Big Lead Sports Bar


Remodeling of "The House"

I've gradually grown tired of the MH format that I installed last year, so I thought the timing was right for a few tweaks here and there on the site, which you will see now. The most notable changes are the Hot Topics being stretched across the top of the page (in photo form) and the comments section getting relocated to the bottom of each post. I also dumped the various "Best Of" sections on the side of the page. It was just becoming too cluttered. But other than a few color changes and some minor housekeeping issues, most of the site will be staying the same.

That being said, I don't think I'm totally through tinkering with things, so if you have any further suggestions, please let me know at And as always, thank you for your continued support of the site.


Steve said...

Oooh-Ooooh! Can we get animated trailing cursors, silly midi music and red text on purple backgrounds. That's how all the cool sites do it anyway.

Koz said...

The comments button is harder to find again. I don't think that's an improvement.

With the exception of the occasional Asian character post, or that one deranged Penn State fan, the comment participation is improving. Let's keep the conversation going!

Also, can we get a mobile version? I don't know what it takes to do that, but it's nice when you bring up some blogs on your phone and it detects and formats the page appropriately.

HomeRunFromBehindTheMeatballs said...

I agree with all three points laid forth by my esteemed collegue Koz.

Rege said...

A mobile feature would rock. Posting at a Pens game-awesome.

mondesishouse said...

I already tried viewing the new design through my Blackberry, and the Hot Topic photos are ginormous. So more changes will probably be coming. Will research the mobile issue.

Unknown said...

Steve, you forgot to ask for blinkin' text! How could you?!

PS - quick fix to the mobile issue: get an Android phone ;)

SmokeyMaverick said...

+4 for Mike's 'roid comment.

The Grey Bush said...

Site looks good on PalmPre. Better than old site did!


Goose said...

I like the new look. It is pretty hard to find the "post a comment" link. can you change it to have a text box already there instead of a pop-out window?

Erik said...

I know you can't please everyone with a web page design, but the header + the hot topics take up way too much head room. Your headlines are almost completely cut off until you scroll.

HomeRunFromBehindTheMeatballs said...

format looks good on iphone

Unknown said...

the design is great, but i don't really like the 'tiffany' color scheme

Unknown said...

or is it supposed to be the color of the old pens jerseys?

Brian said...

Not a big fan of the header. There is basically nothing there and it takes up a ton of space. You should get someone to design a long header with your name/tag/logo all in one so it is majorly condensed. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new digs, mondesi. I remember when all you had was a crappy studio apartment back in 2006.