Big Lead Sports Bar


Lemieux Statue in December?

In my "Wish List" article last week, item #5 was a statue in front of the Consol Energy Center for Mario Lemieux. I pegged the probability at 90%, based mostly on a Dave Molinari column from last November that gave me a good feeling that it would happen.

Well, Lemieux statue supporters got another dose of good news today, with Mark Madden revealing that the inanimate doppelganger of #66 may be unveiled on December 27, 2010 - the 10th anniversary of his awe-inspiring comeback.

Madden noted that this anniversary, which falls just days before the Winter Classic on January 1, would be part of a week-long HockeyPalooza in the Burgh. That sounds to me like a pretty fantastic way to wind down 2010 and kick off 2011.

If ever an athlete has deserved such an honor in this city, it's clearly Lemieux, who has saved the Penguins so many times I've lost count. As Madden mentions, Mario  reportedly did not want the statue, but in this instance, I'm glad he was overruled.


JeremyT said...

All yoo faggies dat no how 2 spell and all dat ejucaded shit r just gay homos. Only faggy fags dick suck dooshes dont' be haveing a life like me. i think yoo fags wuld just try too suck the Lemyues stachues cock cuz ur all homo ass fags becuz ur all Pitt fan fags.

Right, Frank?

frank said...

dude get a life im flaterd that u have noting better 2 do then think about me tipical pitt fan obbssessed with penn state hahaha
WE ARE PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okel dokel said...

I am neither a Pitt or Penn State fan.

However, Frank gives me a pretty good reason not to cheer for PSU.

Nate said...

Penn State's fabulous academics on display.

frank said...

another jealos pitt fan fantisising about me lol i garentee that im smarter then all u stupid pitt fans ive pooped turds that could get into pitt there probly smarter then u 2 hahaha

Koz said...

OK, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

so this is obviously a great idea and the timing makes sense. I'm cautiously optimistic though. I've seen many of Madden's "scoops" come and go, so I'm skeptical of his inside knowledge, even when it comes to the Penguins.

Dallas Mike said...

Safe to say that the only way Frank can get into Penn State is through the Beaver Stadium gates. Based on his junior high humor and Appalachia-esque grammar skills, the only three letters in his future are G.E.D. Frank, enjoy life as a day laborer and never getting out of your own little world.

HomeRunFromBehindTheMeatballs said...

I think a mario statue needs to be added to the airport. Right next to Franco & the immaculate reception & some guy named George Wershington!

frank said...

haha dumbass pitt fan cant even spell washingtons name right nice educaton there stupid u probly think dion louis is better then evan roister 2 cuz u r so stupid plus i bet i make more money then the pitt grads here who work at mcdonolds hahaha
WE ARE PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve said...


I could care less about Penn State, or college sports in general, but I can't believe some Penn State alum doesn't break your fingers so you can’t continue to embarrass the school further with your retarded posts. Let me guess, you’re the janitor there? No offense to the janitor of course…probably a hell of a lot smarter than you.

I can’t wait to see what the Mario statue looks like. Mario beating Bourque would be classic but there are so many other goals of him beating helpless defensemen while being hacked, hooked and basically mugged, that they could put up a dozen statues and still have room for more.

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

Penn State should erect a statue of Frank outside of Beaver Stadium.

frank said...

i bet ur gettin errectipn right now thinkin about me gay ass spitt fan hahaha they have no statues at hines field cuz pitt has no good players ever hahaha
WE ARE PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!

frank said...

i bet ur gettin errectipn right now thinkin about me gay ass spitt fan hahaha they have no statues at hines field cuz pitt has no good players ever hahaha
WE ARE PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!

The Abiding Dude said...

I do believe you may have the first troll I have witnessed in these parts, since I began reading over a year ago.

SO glad that this is bound to happen. Mario is the definition of class and no athlete deserves a statue more than him in this 'tahn.

The Abiding Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
frank said...

dude whats a troll is that some intranet word used by loosers like u haha i wouldnt know cuz i got a life and dont have time to learn ur gay little geek langage mabe its just how shitt fans comunacaite hahaha
WE ARE PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!