Big Lead Sports Bar


Jabaal Sheard Threw a Guy Through a Glass Door

The Pitt Panthers got some bad news this weekend, as one of their star defensive lineman, Jabaal Sheard, was arrested for a Sunday fight on the South Side's E. Carson Street. But this wasn't any ordinary fight. This was rather ugly. Some details:
The officer said he identified himself as police, ordering the two to stop, but he said Sheard ignored him and continued to beat Parker in the face and body.

Other officers arrived and unsuccessfully tried to break up the fight, police said. One officer used a baton on Sheard, who grabbed Parker and threw him through the glass door of the LaFond Gallery, police said.

As Parker laid on his back bleeding, police said Sheard continued to hit him, which is when they used pepper spray on both men.

Sheard was taken to the Allegheny County Jail on aggravated assault and other charges, and has been suspended indefinitely from the Pitt football team. He was arraigned Sunday at 1:40 p.m. and will have a preliminary hearing July 28

The cause of the fight is unknown, and damage to the door was estimated at $600-$1000.

The damage to Pitt's football season is also unknown, because Sheard was being counted on as a key contributor on their much-celebrated D-line. Last season, Sheard had 42 tackles (10 1/2 for loss), five sacks and a team-high 12 quarterback hurries while starting all 13 games for the Panthers.


BurressWithButterflywings said...

Oh well, send him packing. Sounds like he has some real anger issues and no respect for authority.

Jonny Van Mundegaarde said...

Anger issues...'roid rage...tomatos...tomatoes

Steve said...

Sounds like Al Davis' kinda player.

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

Oh, this is just boys being boys guys! It's nothing! College kids get drunk and chuck each other through windows ALL THE TIME!!

---my reaction if I were a Penn State fan.

Anonymous said...

So what's your reaction as a Pitt fan?

frank said...

haha pitt allways has crminals and kids getting into torble ever since dorset who was a fag since he played for spitt and the cowfags i bet all the players at pitt act like but wannstat covers up for them what a dirty pogrom they are like u$c only worse cant wait till the ncaa gives them the death penelty and no one will question who the best colege football team in pa is anymore like anyone takes pitt seriously anyway since they change there uniforms every years anyway hahaha

Adam said...

Austin Scott didn't even do anything and got kicked off the team Lipps, so don't hand me that BS.

frank said...

like i said joepa doent put up with criminals like pitt does im not suprised sometime i think that me and adam are the only 1s on this site that get it even penn state fan scott is a doche

okel dokel said...

Adam - you must be honored to be included in Frank's message.

Great command of the English language there Frank.

Brian said...

Frank - have you ever been out in State College? PSU players are constantly let off for all kinds of crap. There is no way JoePa doesn't know the cops are being WAY over lenient with these guys. Don't bother saying its the same in Pittsburgh because it's city cops here... totally different story.

Not remotely condoning this stuff... he's a total moron and deserves what he gets... but don't act like PSU players aren't like EVERY other D1 program out there.

frank said...

how come were talking about penn state players geting in trouble oh thats right cuz they dont some pitt scum bag got in trouble agian and joepa would kick him off the team

Scott Zigarovich said...


Do some reading on Anwar Philips and Rashard Casey then get back to me.

Anonymous said...

Add Tony Johnson to that list too. Who according to JoePa, "Wasn't hurting anybody" after a DUI arrest.

Frank, could you please not represent us anymore? I can deal with Adam cause while he is at times a little too passionate he knows what he's talking about.

Adam said...

Frank, are you a Pitt fan lampooning Penn State fans?

As for the rest of you, Mark Madeira was a grandstanding S.O.B. hellbent on putting PSU players in jail. He came down harder than Pittsburgh cops SPECIFICALLY because some of the guys were football players.

I'm not excusing our guys when they do something wrong, just understand that many of the "charges" were brought with elections in mind, and were never actually prosecuted because they were baseless and frivolous. Stacy Parks Miller. Ooo Rah.

The ones that were found guilty, to hell with them, mock us for them till your hearts content. Just know Madeira and especially the OTL piece a few years ago dramatically overstated the problem.

BURGH08 said...

"As for the rest of you, Mark Madeira was a grandstanding S.O.B. hellbent on putting PSU players in jail."

Again, pure opinion, and a biased one at that.

As for Sheard, definitely not one of the 'best and brightest the university has to offer'.

He gets what he deserves.

Scott Zigarovich said...

Adam is actually pretty accurate with his statements on Madeira. The guy was a total menace to all students not just football players. I'm not trying to make excuses for the actions of a lot of the guys on the team that got arrested, but Madeira was terrible.

frank said...

sheard probly was the smartest guy@ pitt haha adams right the da is a cocksucker probly a pitt grad whos mad that his teams scared to play penn state
WE ARE PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

"Frank - have you ever been out in State College? "

Out of State College? A more appropriate question would be if Frank's ever been TO college, or high school.... maybe even grade school for that matter....

My reaction as a Pitt fan?

Suspend him. For at least the first few weeks (pending investigation of course), which includes an actual big game against Utah (unlike PSU, who'd make him sit against Akron or somebody...)

And Wanny has kicked guys off the team that were important, talented players. Elijah Fields ring a bell?

frank said...

hey not only did i go 2 hight school i fucked ur mom last u gay little fagboy hahaha
WE ARE PENN STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

NickDawg said...

Frank, I'm sure HIGHT school treated you well.....if you have nothing intelligent to say, and you haven’t yet, then take your stupidity elsewhere... You sound like Adams retarded echo... From the looks of your writing, I’m guessing you are a high school kid....go back to giggling with your girl scout troops...If I were a PSU alumni (just for clarification that means having previously graduated from Penn State since i'm sure you haven't) I would be ashamed of having a person like you affliated with my university and from the looks of previous posts, that setiment has been echoed by all the Penn staters on this blog

HomeRunFromBehindTheMeatballs said...

As a fellow PSU fan/alumn... i wish everyone would just ignore one particular commenter & not dignify him with responses. It's embarrassing.

That being said... if this incident is truly as bad as it sounds... forget suspension from football. This guy needs to be in jail!

Big Ramifications said...

Hello I am from Australia. Can't remember how I got here.

I went to a UH game in Holalulu. It was a highlight.

Frank rules get a dogupyuz. WE ARE PENN!!!!!!!!

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