As soon as I saw this pic of Dan Onorato, Arlen Specter and Luke Ravenstahl in the PG, I knew it was a future caption contest in the making. Finally, we have arrived at that day.
So here are the ground rules: submit your best photo caption in the comments section (no emails please - so everyone can see all the entries) - and the one that's judged as the best gets a Kent Tekulve t-shirt courtesy of www.watchyourbacknyc.com. Entries must be posted by 11:59 PM on April 27, with the winner named on April 28.
Now, on to some info about the shirts from our sponsor and info on a special offer for MH readers:
Hey Pirates fans... it's a brand new baseball season and with every April comes renewed hope. It's anybody's pennant, right? So with that in mind, Watch Your Back wants to extend a special $5 OFF OFFER ALL BASEBALL SEASON LONG (even the Playoffs... did he say PLAYOFFS!!!!) to readers of Mondesi's House on our TEKULVE t-shirt. This hot little number has become a bit of a cult classic over the years thanks in large part to fans like you (we ran a promo about 2 years ago on Mondesi's House and still get a LOT of hits)... and this is just a small way of giving back.
Please send an e-mail to brian@watchyourbacknyc.com with the SUBJECT LINE: MONDESI'S HOUSE MEMBER. Watch Your Back shirts are printed on American Apparel brand t-shirts. We offer these in Men's sizes S-2XL. (BTW- Men's S shirts fit most women.) In the body of the e-mail please include your name, the quantity and the size(s) of the shirts you wish to purchase. I will send each member who responds simple instructions from there on how to finalize their discounted purchase. It's shaping up to be a great season... why not look the part? LET'S GO BUCS!!!
You can find the Tekulve shirt along with all of out other designs at www.watchyourbacknyc.com
Columbia Pictures announces cast of 2010 Three Stooges movie.
Arlen: "I wish I had a magic bullet right about now."
Deaf, Dumb and Blind, that kid sure swings a mean wreckin' ball.
"We absolutely, positively know those drunken sorority girls were lying out of their teeth."
Dumb, Dumber, & Dumberer.
Pittsburgh's Mayor makes a pitch to change his name to Rapistahl for the upcoming NFL season.
"after 15 consecutive loasing seasons, it is our recommendation that the pittsburgh pirates add a 25% tax to all alcoholic and sugary substances in the ballpark. we recognize pittsburgh is a small market and the revenue from these taxes should help the pirates finally start to rebuild this once honorable franchise."
When it comes to taxing and spending....Monkey See, Monkey Do
The definition of 3 empty suits!
@ rjj130...brilliant
Man, I wonder if Luke is DTF.
Inspired by the grand tradition of the 1990s Pittsburgh Penguins formidable first line of Lemieux, Francis and Jagr, Pennsylvania voters have given us the political ineptitude version hence forth to be known as “The PA Wrecking Crew”.
thats great!!
The next generation of Mandelbaums vies for supremacy in stupidity. It's go time.
Hey Luke... Don't you know Snoop?
Mayor Luke: "Oops I Crapped My Pants: because Onorato's wearing them, and he just did"
Specter: "Heart, don't give out. I don't want this kid's EMS workers to leave me for dead."
Onorato: "I've got it! I can say I'M responsible for turning Pittsburgh's economy from steel to education, medicine, and finance!"
Lukey - "With this week's temps in the mid-80s, it's safe to declare Pittsburgh's War on Snow an overwhelming success."
The three whitest guys in America discuss the need for more minority players on the Pirates.
A historical moment-- three generations of political incompetence in one meeting. The exact opposite of the Yalta Summit.
Local leaders discuss plans to tear down Civic Arena for six story statue of Evan Royster.
Specter: "I got chunks of guys like you in my stool."
"I can't believe he finished that box of Hot Pockets..."
Gollum and Gandalf the Grey, are disappointed in Frodostahl's inability to control his flatulence.
Watch it there kid, my right hand may be so far up Onorato's ass that his eyes may pop but my left hand is still free.......
Oh yeah, I can see the resemblence to Jay Leno.
Winner gets to challenge Conan O'Brien in a staring contest. 1, 2, 3, go...
Luke Ravenstahl: "First thing on the agenda today is that I just want to let everyone know that I love myself a good Heinz pickle...The big green dill ones".
Arlen Specter: "That a boy, Lukey...I have a few jars at home if you're interested."
Dan Onorato: "PICKLES?!?! PICKLES?!?! Did someone say, PICKLES?!?!?!
Onoato: "That dude's Kent Tekulve T-shirt is siiiiiiiiiick".
Dan Oronato: Hi Ladies; Look at Luke, now look at me, now look at Arlen, now back at me...I'm on a horse.
Thinking that he showed up to continue the spygate investigation of the Patriots Super Bowl win over the Eagles, disinterested Philly fan Arlen Specter is practically bored to tears discussing the future plans for Pittsburgh's Mellon Arena.
Onorato thought to himself, "Ohhh just my luck. Ravenstahl gets to spell PNC Park... I'll probably have to spell Alaghany Center!"
Dan couldn't help but stare daggers as Luke Ravenstahl announces he's changing his name to 'Luke OnoratoisaPoopieheadstahl'.
To show the world he had mastered the dark powers of Telekinesis, Dan Onorato was going to make an example... Nay, he was going to make a messy example of his arch rival, Luke Ravenstahl.
Nonchalantly Luke Ravenstahl proclaimed that he was clearly the coolest one of the three on stage, as evident by his liberally applied Axe Hair gel.
Dan Onorato checks out Mayor Ravenstahl's wife during a press conference to announce that Mellon Arena will be the new home to a tribe of Eskimos. It will finally live up to it's billing as "The Igloo". Senator Specter sat there useless as always.
"Seriously Luke...doesn't Dan look like a googly-eyed Peyton Manning?"
His coach and his agent are there for support as he apologizes yet again for his transgressions.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
I'd like to play, guys, but seriously, that picture of Onorato creeps me out.
It's like one of those paintings where the eyes follow you around the room.
Ben Roethlisberger treats objects like woman, mannn..
'today we announce that the SEA has awarded the arena demolition contract to McClatchy, Nutting, Littlefield, and Bonifay Inc. we are confident in their demonstrated history in tearing down Pittsburgh landmarks. work will commence after the Stanley Cup parade.'
"I'm here to announce my candidacy for the vacant starting quarterback position with the Pittsburgh Steelers. I'm not worried about the blitz packages I'll see from the Ravens. Did you see how I handled the blizzard in February with with such ease?"
Three generations of Roethlisberger haircuts.
Mayor Admits He's Guilty of "Poor Judgement" - Sorry for "Negative Attention"
Onorato: "Arlen's act is coming along really well. His lips don't move at all when he makes Luke talk."
"20-0? Spin that one Luke"
Why no playoff beards? GO PENS!!!!!!
Look at them! You can obviously tell they are pirates fans. Googley eyed, Disappointed and Speechless!
"I've said it before...I DO NOT NEED TO TELL YOU MY WHEREABOUTS ALL THE TIME. Let's just leave it at the three of us were visiting constituents in McKees Rocks."
Sen Spector- (sniff sniff) Who just farted???
So umm... any winners announced?
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