In sports, some individuals are known for their look. If I say Troy Polamalu, you think "hair". If I say Chris Sabo or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, you think "sports goggles". If I say Joe Paterno, you think "big glasses". Or should I say, you thought big glasses.
Mark Brennan at reports that the iconic 83-year-old coach recently had corrective eye surgery at the Penn Scheie Eye Institute in Philadelphia, and that Paterno's trademark glasses are no longer necessary.
Mark Brennan at reports that the iconic 83-year-old coach recently had corrective eye surgery at the Penn Scheie Eye Institute in Philadelphia, and that Paterno's trademark glasses are no longer necessary.
“I had trouble reading for the last six months, so I went down to Philadelphia to the Penn Scheie Eye Institute,” the 83-year-old said. “And the guy says to me … I think we can fix that up. So they went in and did it. I don't really need glasses any more.”

And while the specs are no longer needed, JoePa said he felt "strange" without them, so he had a new set of glasses made with similar frames and much thinner lenses. So I guess his trademark look won't quite go away, but it will get a little revision. I say he should go the "throwback" route and opt for my personal favorite, the 1968 models. If anyone could pull off that look and make it acceptable and even cool in a roundabout way, it's JoePa.
The Eyes Have It []
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I just hope JoePa continues wearing his pants at Hurricane Agnes level.
He's started playing freshman, installed a new school offense and got rid of the glasses to an extent.
Next up: logos on the helmets, names on the jerseys and yearly games against Pitt.
I didn't think the guy could get uglier. I was wrong.
This post has been up 2 hrs and no comment from Adam (TPSF).
We might want to start checking under mounds of snow.
in unrelated football news..PITT moved into 7th place all time in NFL Hall of Famers with the pending inductions of one Russ "formerly of the Steelers" Grimm and Ricky Jackson. Point is ...wait for it...PITT has more HOFers than Penn st. Just wanted to point out that nice little statistic and get the message boards heated up
Nick Dawg
That's an interesting stat. Do you know which school sent more players to the NFL? It seems that it has been awhile since a Penn State player has gone on to be a real impact type of player. I may be overlooking guys, just nobody jumps out recently. Compared to somebody like Revis and Fitzgerald, who both are extemely early in their careers, but I think it is fair to say have HOF potential.
Paul Puzzsullanzzsnny (or whatever) went into the NFL.
From what I hear he's done pretty well in Buffalo, he's just always injured.
But yeah, there haven't been a ton of high impact PSUers in the NFL since Larry Johnson, and even that only lasted a couple of years.
Honestly, I could give two shits about what players do after they leave. All that matters to me is what they do while they're there.
Not trying to start an argument, just sayin.......for example, do you guys care that Brandin Knight, Chris Taft, Carl Krauser, etc, etc haven't done crap since college? No. You care that they had awesome collegiate careers.
@Nightmare, you make a vaild point. I do support former Pitt players and local guys in the NFL, but I never root against the Steelers in their favor. I was happy to see DJ Dinkins and Pat McAfee, 2 guys from Pittsburgh, in the SB last week.
Last season, a friend of mine who is a die-hard PSU fan said he was going to root for the Titans against the Steelers because he wanted to see Kerry Collins win something. He claims to be a huge Steeler fan, but that statement left me with doubts.
Just to clarify i am aware McAfee went to WVU, i meant the Pittsburgh area because the university is simply just called Pitt......
@Burress: Yep, I'm the same way as you, once you get to the pros, it's pro loyalties before college. That Collins story is ridiculous.
McAfee is also from Plum.
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