The Detroit Red Wings (and Penguins) championship gear available for sale earlier on the NHL website has officially been pulled, according to a statement released by the league. The boys at Kiss 96.1 have all the info:
The NHL pulls all Red Wings Stanley Cup gear [Morning Freak Show Blog]
A quick scan of the NHL website shows that the Pens items, shown earlier on Wednesday, are gone as well. So that should put a nice neat bow on the latest controversy to grip the city of Pittsburgh, a town that collectively takes such incidents very seriously, if you haven't yet gotten the memo.An NHL spokesman said a breach of NHL.com's firewall by a computer hacker is responsible for Detroit 2009 Stanley Cup Champion merchandise on its Web site. The links to this merchandise were not supposed to go live unless Detroit won Game 6 and the Stanley Cup.
A firewall was breached said NHL spokesman Frank Brown. "The items were posted innappropriately, and they were removed immediately once we became aware of the error.
The NHL pulls all Red Wings Stanley Cup gear [Morning Freak Show Blog]
Email: Mondesishouse@gmail.com Twitter: twitter.com/mondesishouse Facebook: Facebook Group
What a bunch of idiots. A breach of the NHL.com's firewall my backside. Some intern inserted the pages into the NHL.com website and they are trying to make it sound like a hacker maliciously posted the gear for the Wings and Pens. No offense to the NHL and its fans, but honestly what hacker out there is trying to post Stanley Cup Champ gear??
Can you please repost the videos from the other day? I want everything to happen exactly like Game 6.
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