In case you missed it (and odds are that you did), Steelers coach Mike Tomlin made an appearance at last night's Pirate game, sitting in a $160 "Lexus Club" seat, which is a relative bargain when compared to premium tickets at the new Yankee Stadium.
Is it safe to say he was the good luck charm that carried the team out of its eight-game funk? Well, Zach Duke's pitching probably had something to do with it, but I'm sure the sight of Tomlin behind home plate intimidated the majority of the Cardinal batters last night.
Is it safe to say he was the good luck charm that carried the team out of its eight-game funk? Well, Zach Duke's pitching probably had something to do with it, but I'm sure the sight of Tomlin behind home plate intimidated the majority of the Cardinal batters last night.
Mike Tomlin Likes His Baseball Up Close [Bugs and Cranks]
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You must have the most amount of patience in the entire world to write a blog on the Pirates :-).
Tomlin was just trying to get a perspective on what it's like to be a Bengals fan.
doesn't tomlin and brian bixler have the same amount of hits this season?
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