Busted Coverage has this video of a Capitals fan going down in one punch, allegedly by three Penguin fans who subsequently got tracked down and arrested following the incident. It's a very brief clip, and after watching it about 10 times, I'm still not sure exactly what happened. But I can say for sure that fan-on-opposing fan violence is undoubtedly on the rise in this country, and it's not a good trend.
Penguins Fan Not Taking 2-0 Series Well, KO’s Caps Fan With Single Punch [Busted Coverage]
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i dont know, i am biased but that looked one dude hitting another dude, not a 3 on 1.
the Zack Morris vs. AC Slater fight was better
yeah 3 on 1 is a little misleading here......looked to me like 1 punch, one idiot hitting the street.
hmmm...maybe Talbot should take notes.
At least it didn't happen in Pittsburgh. Seriously, you have to be like, 10 years old to come to blows over hockey.
Well at least this isn't like SEC country where people kill each other.
or like soccer fans who put out hits on their own country's players, thanks Columbia.
the dude who got knocked out looked pretty drunk.
First of all... Nothing about that is 3 against one. Furthermore, The thing that really pisses me off is the fact that there is absolutley no evidence that this had ANYTHING to do with a Pens fan. The hitter could have been anyone... including another cap's fan..
Is it true the igloo is hiring local girl scouts to beef up security for unruly Capital fans?
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