Maybe it's just me, but I certainly don't remember Bill Cowher ever showing up at a Penguin game donning a Penguin jersey, as Mike Tomlin has been known to do (and if anyone has such a photo of Cowher, please send it in, and I will gladly be proven wrong). So imagine my surprise when I find out that one of the biggest Carolina Hurricanes "celebrity fans" is...guess who:
Former Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher is a ubiquitous local celebrity in Raleigh, as his latern jaw has popped up everywhere from local supermarkets to the putting greens.
Tonight, like Ric Flair and Elizabeth Dole before him, Cowher's scheduled to sound the ceremonial "warning siren" before Game 3 between the Boston Bruins and the hometown Carolina Hurricanes. It'll be the second time Cowher's had the honor.
The Jaw did an interview today with Raleigh's 850 The Buzz, in which he explained his hockey credentials and quickly steered the conversation from the Penguins-Caps series to his excitement about the Hurricanes' playoff run. From the sound of things, it certainly appears like his conversion to an ex-Yinzer is near completion.
Bill Cowher must decide: Pittsburgh for life or Caniac Nation? [Puck Daddy]
Former Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher is a ubiquitous local celebrity in Raleigh, as his latern jaw has popped up everywhere from local supermarkets to the putting greens.
Tonight, like Ric Flair and Elizabeth Dole before him, Cowher's scheduled to sound the ceremonial "warning siren" before Game 3 between the Boston Bruins and the hometown Carolina Hurricanes. It'll be the second time Cowher's had the honor.
The Jaw did an interview today with Raleigh's 850 The Buzz, in which he explained his hockey credentials and quickly steered the conversation from the Penguins-Caps series to his excitement about the Hurricanes' playoff run. From the sound of things, it certainly appears like his conversion to an ex-Yinzer is near completion.
Bill Cowher must decide: Pittsburgh for life or Caniac Nation? [Puck Daddy]
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In his denfense he isnt wearing a jersey in the picture
Also in his defense, he can probably attend a game there without hearing "why'd yinz start Kordell all dem years?" between every period.
Aaaactually, I've seen coach Bill and his daughters at Pens games on more than one occasion, including one where he signed my Ice Time magazine.
The part that bothers me is that when asked about the Penguins his response was:
"I gotta be honest with you: I am just totally involved right now in watching the Hurricanes."
That bothers me.
What bothers me are those shiny chicklets reflecting in my face. Please pass the welder's mask.
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