WPXI GM/VP Ray Carter issued the following statement:
“I know the outdoor screen has become a fan favorite for those who can’t get into the game. I wish we, as the local affiliate, could grant permission to the Pens, but quite frankly, our hands are tied. We do not hold the rights to the game; the NBC network in New York does. I understand and respect NBC’s right to do as they please with the broadcast signal.”
Translation: please don't get mad at Channel 11, it wasn't their call.
Luckily, FSN Pittsburgh will allow the big-screen tonight and resuming on Tuesday for Game Four.
Go Pens.
Game 3 Sunday Won't Be On Outdoor Screen [PittsburghPenguins.com]
Statement From Channel 11 Regarding Pens Game On The Big Screen [WPXI]
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
So how exactly did the Pens get around this last year? There were more than a few games on NBC that the screen was on for...
Now, this worries me just a little. I read that NBC has the coverage of the Stanley Cup Finals. So, if you read that correctly, the Jumbo Screen will be black for the entire Playoff season if, and when, we make it to Lord Stanley's Finale.
Something needs to be done to correct this problem. People, voice your complaints to NBC. It would be sad to see something taken away that seems to bring this city closer together.
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