Well, it turns out that neither was the case, as I realized when I got closer and took the attached picture. However, I'm still not 100% sure this man isn't committing a jersey foul. Is it kosher to wear a guy's jersey who was only on the practice squad? Also, are those even the jerseys that the Steelers wore in 1955?" - John M., Florida

Dave Dameshek counts down the Most Painful Losses in Pittsburgh Sports Since 1979. Unfortunately, there are so many choices... []
--"So, everyone needs to do themselves a favor. Go out now and buy your No. 14 jerseys because they are going to be a lot harder to find down the road." That's right, an article outlining the virtues of Limas Sweed. [Bleacher Report]
--Behind the Steel Curtain chats with Craig Wolfley, who is also all aboard the Limas Train. [BTSC]
--Behind the Steel Curtain chats with Craig Wolfley, who is also all aboard the Limas Train. [BTSC]
--Former Steeler FB Dan Kreider has signed with the Arizona Cardinals. How unoriginal. [Trib]
--Next time you're in Fishers, Indiana, you can take a trip down Steeler Boulevard. [Google Maps]
--Big Ben recently teed it up at the Kraft Nabisco Golf Championship. [Big Ben News]
--Big Ben recently teed it up at the Kraft Nabisco Golf Championship. [Big Ben News]
--Topps must be officially out of ideas for baseball cards, because Bernie Madoff somehow made it into their newest release. []

--Congratulations to the Penn State Nittany Lions, which became college basketball's 66th-best team by winning the NIT last night. The highlight of the game had to be when Baylor's coach got a technical for tossing his jacket to a team manager. [ESPN]
--Tim Floyd turned down the Arizona job, which means the Wildcats can now pursue Jamie Dixon with all their energy. [ESPN]
--Speaking of Dixon, he showed up at Pitt football practice on Thursday and caught a few bombs from Bill Stull. OK, I made that second part up. But he did check out his football counterpart. [Trib]
--Congratulations to the Penn State Nittany Lions, which became college basketball's 66th-best team by winning the NIT last night. The highlight of the game had to be when Baylor's coach got a technical for tossing his jacket to a team manager. [ESPN]
--Tim Floyd turned down the Arizona job, which means the Wildcats can now pursue Jamie Dixon with all their energy. [ESPN]
--Speaking of Dixon, he showed up at Pitt football practice on Thursday and caught a few bombs from Bill Stull. OK, I made that second part up. But he did check out his football counterpart. [Trib]
--An instant classic from yesteryear: Norm MacDonald at the 1998 ESPYs. You won't see this rebroadcast on the Worldwide Leader anytime soon. [Deadspin]
--Pittsburgh makes the list of 10 affordable places to retire. [Yahoo!]
--It's America's unhealthiest restaurants, which, ironically, are also America's best restaurants. [Yahoo Health]
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--An instant classic from yesteryear: Norm MacDonald at the 1998 ESPYs. You won't see this rebroadcast on the Worldwide Leader anytime soon. [Deadspin]
--Pittsburgh makes the list of 10 affordable places to retire. [Yahoo!]
--It's America's unhealthiest restaurants, which, ironically, are also America's best restaurants. [Yahoo Health]
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Go ahead Mondesi, laugh your ass off. You didn't see me throwing stones after Pitt lost because they did something this year that they haven't done in a long time, and they deserved to not have an asshole Penn State fan rub salt in their wounds, so its pretty lame of you to be an asshole yourself and pis on our accomplishments. This team lost an exhibition game to Shippensburg a year and a half ago, and couldn't even find their way onto the BTN, and tonight they cut down the nets at the Garden.
So laugh all you want, but at the end of the day, we get to ogle a shiny trophy, buy some t-shirts, and play "We Are the Champions" for the next six months while you pis away your time wondering what could have been if not for Scottie Reynolds.
We're no powerhouse, but maybe just maybe, a sleeping giant was awakened tonight...
We Are Penn State.
Please go away.
Ha, your hate fuels me cute stuff.
We Are Penn State.
On the sleeping giant front, Talor Battle's half brother, Taran Buie, ranked the #37 prospect in the country, committed to Penn State tonight on the team bus leaving Madison Square Garden.
If I was a Pitt fan, I'd tell ya'll to suck one, but since I'm a Penn State fan, and he hasn't done anything on the court yet, I'm going to reserve judgment.
Regardless, another step forward...another step closer to kicking your ass.
We Are Penn State.
I'm not a fan of either, but how about you suck me.
You are douche bags.
Plural huh? Or can you just not spell?
Get over your self-righteousness.
You disappeared because Penn State was out of the real tournament.
Congrats on the win. You can't spell Nittany Lions without N.I.T.
You know, if Pitt would've won the NCAA tournament despite my allegiances I would have said congrats. Unfortunately for you, they choked (again) and fell below expectations for the umpteenth year in a row. As far as I can see, the Lions have a trophy to put in the case, which is more than you can say. Stay classy, Pittsburgh.
When asked why he chose Penn State, Taran Buie said "if I come to Penn State, I feel like we can compete for an NIT championship every year".
I could live with that, I see why you guys like winning the BE tourney so much now, games at the Garden rule.
You really think I would have talked had we made it? Really? Penn State wouldn't have made it to the Elite Eight, so I wouldn't have been able to say anything about Pitt anyway.
I don't know what is so hard about saying both teams had their best seasons ever, and that it was fun while it lasted. I'm not gonna pis on Pitt. You want to pis on us, then your just a jerk.
You know I am a fan of neither team but I am struck by how the jackasses from Penn State come in here trumpeting a win in the NIT like it is something great.
Pitt makes the NCAAs, the real tournament, year in and year out and while they do under perform they are in the tournament that matters.
Congratulations on the NIT win Penn State. However, your self- rightous, blowhard fans are truly classless and never show up when the going gets tough. Enjoy being the big fish in the small pond.
A quick tour of the sports pages;
Penn State's NIT win;
8th headline on the WWL, not a top story (they broadcast the stupid thing)
Yahoo Sports - Not a top story or a headline, but there is a top story about the UFC
Fox Sports - Not a top story or headline
Funny how there are headlines about the Final Four and coaches staying and going in the NCAA, but nothing about the NIT.
OK, let's put this in yinzer perspective. If the Pirates finished 1 game above .500, we would all act like we just won the World Series. That is exactly what just happened at Penn State. It wasn't a bigger accomplishment than what Pitt did this year, no one ever claimed that. It's a building block and a flicker of hope in a program that has rarely ever seen any semblance of success. Let's leave it at that.
And I do though have to resond to the "66th best team" thing. We all know that damn near half the teams in the tournament aren't that great thanks to all of the automatic bids, so don't be ignorant. I'm sure teams like Portland State, Robert Morris and Morgan State would've bowled through the NIT with no problem whatsoever (rolling eyes).
I think what everyone is overlooking here is Limas "The Truth" Sweed. I just made that nick name up, so feel free to use it if you wish. He is the truth in regards that he will be the answer to every question. Such as, who will big ben throw to: the truth. Who is that tall guy who just went over three dudes in the endzone to score the game winner: the truth. why are the steelers winning another super bowl right now: the truth.
O God, the press doesn't like us. What the hell are we gonna do?! (Rolls Eyes).
We aren't the classless ones. No one pissed on Pitt. Mondesi started it all by pissing on us with the "#66" line, so who the hell is the f***ing classless one?
We set a school record for wins this year, upset 4 top 25 teams, won 2 games at the buzzer, came from behind in darn near every game, won out first national tournament, and showed up in New York in 36 buses for a game that "didn't matter". It was an incredible year with memory after memory, and while you can laugh all you want, it makes me happy to know our team got the most out of its basketball season.
Did yours?
And just so you know, I've been a Penn State basketball fan since before most of "yinz" we're Pitt basketball fans, so shove it.
Not to post something that doesn't have to do with PSU/Pitt, but that jersey is pretty much the one Unitas would have worn in 1955. The biggest difference is that the jersey wouldn't have had a name on it! So, even if it's okay to wear a preseason jersey (I say it is, because the rare Lemieux Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins jersey is fantastic), it's still a jersey foul because it's customized incorrectly.
I'm ignoring the other elephant in the room, too. Unitas wore #19 for the Colts and I can't find any evidence of what number he wore for the Steelers.
Adam; shut up you self-rightous windbag. You come on here bragging about anything related to Penn State.
The press thinks the NIT is irrelevant, it has nothing to do with Penn State.
As I clearly stated I am a fan of neither team, I just callout hypocrites.
Here is my yinzer perspective about the Pirates; if they finished one game above .500 I would call it an improvement, not winning the World Series. I witnessed two Word Series wins by this once-storied franchise and celebrating medocrity is someting I will not do.
@Redhawks Hockey - I like that nickname. I fear "the truth" about Limas may be something like, "who just dropped that potential touchdown pass?"
Here the game note that followed the PSU vs Purdue game earlier in the season: at the time Purdue was ranked, and this is how PSU fans support the team. It cracks me up how there was big regular season BBall game and the student body can't take a 2 hour break from rummaging through Joepa's garbage looking for used diapers to support thier team.
GAME NOTES: Twenty minutes before tip, there were about 375 people in their seats. Attendance was listed at 4,404. ... There was no band on hand. Instead PSU used piped-in music. ... About 50 Purdue students made the trip to Happy Valley but were relegated to the upper deck. ... Penn State is off until Sunday, when it faces Minnesota on the road
The #66 team is bogus, teams that have losing records have played in the tournament several times. PSU's s.o.s is the only thing that held them out. They had over 20 wins in a major conference.
I didn't want to write a post that minimized PSU's accomplishments, but Adam just makes it difficult to take the high road.
And I am sorry, if you are playing "We are the champions" after winning the NIT, I think you have deeper issues than those which most of us were already attuned.
But Adam, you are ridiculous. But like the pro wrestling villains, I guess we all need your nonsense.
Look, it's good for Penn State that they won the NIT.
I mean, it's better than losing the NIT.
But don't even mention the NIT trophy like it's a big deal or something.
It's a tournament for teams that weren't good enough to be in the NCAA tournament.
I mean, yeah it's a trophy, but so is the thing I got after my T-ball season when I was 5.
Pitt's in bigtime games, in a bigtime tournament, against bigtime teams. You win some there, and you lose some.
Penn State won a small time tournament full of also rans. I mean, the team they beat in the semifinal finished 9th in the Big East. Once again, the team in the SEMIFINALS.
Once again, I'm not shitting on PSU here. But c'mon, it's really sad and/or just plain silly to think that this gives you any sort of bragging rights over Pitt, and anybody that's not a NITter would laugh hysterically at you if they heard that some (not all, there are normal Penn State fans, unfortunately they seem to stay away from message boards) PSU fans were actually bragging to Pitt fans about this thing.
And Adam, you're pretty disturbed little guy.
Who pissed on Penn State (you think they'd teach people how to spell their vulgarities correctly up there BTW)?
No Pitt fans I've seen online or anywhere else were even paying attention to the NIT until Penn State fans decided to barge in and start bragging out it.
And Adam, I'm pretty sure if Pitt had won the NIT he'd make a "Pitt's #66 joke" too.
He has no problem making fun of his favorite teams, if you haven't noticed.
It's called "not taking yourself too seriously". You should try it sometime!
Oh God, sorry I'm reading the posts on here and I keep finding nuggets that are good.
Penn State got more out of its season than Pitt?? Hahaha!
And then there's the common Penn State fan defense for everything "Our fans showed up!" Uhhh... yeah, nobody cares that you guys had nothing better to do than watch a game that doesn't matter.
Ask South Carolina about all of the riches their program was lavished in after they won back-to-back NITs.
Get a life kid, damn! haha
About the Purdue game.... That game was played over Winter Break while all the students were away. Plus, there was a really bad ice storm that eveninng. Plus it was on a weekday. Its tough for alum to make it up for a weeknight game if they have to travel from philly or pittsburgh.
Please don't question the dedication of the psu students either. According to wikipedia, the zoo is only 1500 students (even though I've herad its usually around 1800 from a friend). When classes are in session, Penn State easily averages more students per game than 1800. hell, penn state just took 36 busses with 2000 students to MSG for the finals.
....About the Pirates breaking .500 analogy...... I've lived in Pittsburgh my whole life. If the Pirates ended the season with a winning record, this place would go nuts.
Where are the locals? Fans encompass more than just the student body. Where are the alumni? Those are some pretty lousy excuses for a 4,000 fan turn out.
Bad weather and vaction breaks wouldn't stop fans from packing beaver stadium.
PSU rallied around thier BBall team b/c it was the trendy thing to do this year. Lets see them keep this up.
Rich: .500 is not a winning record. Again, I would be happy for them and excited about the possibilities, going nuts...sorry, no.
"I'm ignoring the other elephant in the room, too. Unitas wore #19 for the Colts and I can't find any evidence of what number he wore for the Steelers."
Here is photo of Unitas with the steelers.
Same one I sent to Uni Watch a while back.
Where are the locals? -- valid point, but also much tougher when there's simply not that many of them in the state college area.
as for the beaver stadium thing--- All of our games are played on Saturdays when its much easier for people to drive 3 horus to get up here and 3 hours back. That's a hugggee factor that should definitely not be overlooked.
But yeah, as a whole, you're right. Up until the 2nd half of this season, the support for basketball has been nothing compared to football. Really, basketball will never be as popular as football, I think just because PA is so much more into football as a whole.
I think the bball program made a great start this year in getting people to believe. All programs have to start somewhere, and I think this was our somewhere. Winning brings more fans so I don't doubt that ticket sales will increase next year. Winning consistently will make fans longterm and allow them to suffer through some bad years. I look forward to taking your challenge of keeping our support up.
Comparing people not showing up to a regular season basketball game during winter break when absolutely no students are on campus is desperately stretching.
To yinzify (TM) this again, it would be like criticizing people for not attending a Pirate game and saying bad weather and vacation breaks wouldn't stop fans from packing Heinz Field for a Steeler game. Get some better material or go home.
And since this subject seems to be taking over this thread, the Pirates going 1 game over .500 would cause a frenzy in this town and one of the biggest bandwagon rushes in the history of professional sports.
NN ,
How many students attend the B-Ball games on average anyway? I'll be gracious and say, Add 4,000 students to the 4,000 in attendance from the "weekday/bad weather game" and that still only puts you at around 8,000 fans. The point I'm trying to make is until the locals start care, attendance is always going to stink for PSU B-Ball.
I see your a former student I think though I would echo the sentiments of a lot of current students in that I don't really care what the locals do.
Your fans showed up? I'm certainly no Pitt or Penn State fan (WVU guy) but I've been to Penn State b-ball games even this season, and the place is always empty, even when the team looked it might be okay. Specifically, I was up there for the Michigan game, and I think it was maybe half-full. This was after PSU had knocked off number 14 Purdue and almost beat two other ranked teams just days earlier. Wow,way to support your team!!!!
Congrats on defining the term "fair-weather fans." If Penn State struggles even a bit next season I look forward to all the fans abandoning ship and seeing a 20% full BJC when I go up there.
I'm sure if Pitt went through a string of losing seasons it would be packed....look at what happens when the Pens were terrible and the Pirates current situation. Fairweather is pretty much every team in every city. When the times are good its packed, when the times are tough it isn't.
The Pirates attendance sucked when they were winning. You could walk up and get a seat.
Pgh is not a baseball town and never will be.
Yinzify (your TM) all you want. There would be bandwagon jumpers if they approached .500, but there would still be more people there to see fireworks or get a bobblehead.
Yes but Penn State wasn't a bad team this season. They were solid enough and even a borderline NCAA team.
Yet, like I said above, after showing they were able to compete with some good top 25 teams and boasting a 14-5 record they had a whopping 8,730 people at the UM game. What's BJC seat, like 15,000 or so? That's just poor fan support.
Even in the Illinois game at the end of the season there were 2,000 empty seats. I don't if there is any sort of explanation for that, but that seems pretty lousy considering they'd already beaten a very good Illini team once and were very much in contention for an NCAA bid.
OK, so in other words we can all agree that Penn State basketball fans are pretty much exactly the same as Pitt football fans.
Winning the NIT is like winning the consolation playoffs in a fantasy league, only the winner of the consolation takes notice of that fact.
You cannot compare Pitt and Penn State crowds from either end of the spectrum. The schools overall are just apples and oranges.
The Pete is a smaller venue than the BJC and Pitt Main Campus has far less students than State College.
I am never happy with the attendance at Pitt football games but history has taught me two things:
- Pitt is the 2nd most important team playing in their stadium each week, in my eyes too.
- Off campus stadiums dectract from the game's atmosphere
I don't envy Pitt sports for having to compete with major sports franchises for attention and crowd draws but they hold their own.
Could they draw better, yes? But how many major college programs are in fairly large cities competing with professional teams?
I can't think of many outside of USF, Washington, and Georgia Tech. USC doesn't have pro football to compete against. Miami didn't sell games out when they were winning national titles. Those are just off the top of my head.
No one has mentioned the fact that if PITT did play the blue lions in hoops they would clean the floor with them...
I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of that barring a Providence-like effort out of Pitt.
Penn State 66th best team in the country? No way. PSU could easily beat half the teams in the field. Remember all of those mid majors? In fact, I could argue that Penn State's post season run was more inpressive than Pitt's. Just look at PSU's last 3 victories: at Florida, Notre Dame, and Baylor. Pitt's: East Tennessee State, Oklahoma State, and Xavier. At the very least these wins are comporable. In fact I would take wins over the SEC, Big East, and Big 12 any day over the Atlantic Sun, Big 12, and A 10.
Penn State over-achieved and had a great year. And once again the chronic under-achievers Pitt are at home watching the Final Four. Enjoy Pitt fans!
Pitt expected the Final Four. We expected to suck. We over achieved. Pitt under achieved. Its not that difficult a concept to comprehend, Louis Lipps.
I'm just pissed off to have my team's accomplishments pissed on when none of us Penn Staters did it to ya'll after the 'Nova loss.
You know what I love? This blog hates Penn State, yet Penn State evokes the strongest reactions. Classic.
Both of Adam's last posts were spot on.
NN, Adam and Jared;
(Rolls eyes and reaches for trash can) You guys prove everyone's points about Penn State fans.
Adam, you come on here only when something is said about Penn State and work the comments section to elicit reactions.
As you have been told many times, if you do not like it here you do not have to come around. No one will miss you.
NN; your constant need to work the Yinzer angle is tiring at best. Once again, you do not have to come leave.
Jared, lame argument (yawn)
This really makes me laugh as I could care less about both teams, but it is clear which fan base has the most issues.
You know what I love? This blog hates Penn State, yet Penn State evokes the strongest reactions. Classic.
Between you and NN you make up 38% of the blog's comments. I think the strongest reactions may come from you guys cause you are on here baiting everyone.
okel dokel-
First off, kiss my ass. I read this blog every day and enjoy everything about it with the exception of the occasional unwarranted potshot at Penn State. I have just as much a right to do anything as you do. And BTW, did you really go through and calculate the exact % of postings by Penn State fans on this thread? Forget to include the fact that the original post was a response to Mondesi's shot at Penn State? Sure, it was over the top as from what I have seen tends to be Adam's style (he's kind of like a Penn State version of Bobby "The Brain" Heenan), but not nearly as bad as the following intelligent responses like "how about you suck me?". And to be completely honest, I love this back and forth crap. It's fun. So to take a page out of your book, if you don't like it....leave. And as long as I'm on a Pittsburgh blog, I'll make parallels to Pittsburgh sports as much as I want to. Thanks.
For The Glory-
NN - You can kiss my ass too! I like the back and forth just as much as you.
Okel Dokel
Psu posts are just as relevant pitt posts..after all more psu grads live in allegheny county than pitt grads..let's not take shots at psu out of jealousy..
Penn State has a basketball team?
Yis. They won the NIT.
Sorry, never heard of it.
If it exists, it must be as exciting as the smell of grilling and manure.
Or volleyball.
Or as exciting as hoping not to get mugged and/or shot while in oakland
Hey. We don't care about basketball (even though we sent 36 buses to NYC, which I'm pretty sure Pitt didn't do for a game that supposedly "mattered" in Dayton Ohio...), and you don't care about volleyball, so I guess they cancel each other out.
So how did Pitt football do this year again?
You could probably get a Division III team full of as many buses to go to NYC where there were plenty of tickets to spare for a tournament that nobody watches.
As for the football team, they could have done better. It wasn't too long ago I watched Pitt get their doors blown off in a BCS game, and I can't imagine that happening to a Penn State fan would make them brag about it.
Oh wait, if it's a Penn State fan, I guess they would.
If you're speaking of the Rose Bowl, we lost by 14 points hunny.
Yeah at least we scored in our bowl game..that shutout must have been tough...and btw adam can you imagine if psu played a big "least" football schedule haha ..we would be bcs every year!
You actually play worse than a Big East schedule.
Losing by 14 points? C'mon. Anyone with a football intellect knows that the dogs were called off, and the game was over at halftime.
Oh yeah, you are the guy that writes articles about watching the drum major at football games. I guess there is no intellect to speak of.
Schedule-Don't even start. Theres a reason Pitt and Cincy, supposedly the best teams in the Big East, could hardly even get themselves ranked. The Big East blows really really bad. The Big 10 didn't have a great year, but don't even talk to me about schedule when you lose to Bowling Green at home.
14 Points-Their offense lit us up. Good for them. But their defense didn't "call off the dogs" all season long, so I don't know what would make them do it in the Rose Bowl. They were playing for something bigger than the Rose Bowl that day, the title of "best defense ever", so its nonsense to suggest that they just quit trying in the 2nd half with that on the line. We denied them of that title, and for that I'm proud. If we hadn't screwed up so bad in the 2nd quarter, we probably would have scored more too. To be fair, they'd have probably outscored us even had we scored 50 because we're to pussy to man up (defensively, not man wise) against good QBs, but still. We proved their defense was overrated, and for that, I hold my head high.
Drum Majors And Such-Its a shame you don't appreciate the whole charm of college athletics. Whether its your dismissal of the traditions we in Happy Valley, and many other places around the country, are proud of, or the importance of secondary sports, you just make yourself look ignorant. Then again, I guess I really can't hold it against you, because as a Pitt fan, you probably don't know wtf I'm talking about.
Yawn. You trying to break down a door blowing by a true elite football program is pretty ignorant on your end.
Hey, enjoy the 'charm' of your new basketball program though. I assume the NIT banner is probably made of velour.
The fabric is about as relevant as the program.
Hey. Never said the basketball program had charm. Let's just say, it isn't worth driving 3 hours on a weekday night to go see...kind of like Pitt football on a Thursday.
Again, you don't have any idea wtf I'm talking about, and its really funny to sit here and watch you dismiss it. They don't call it the "Greatest Show in College Football" for nothing.
It's also not worth over 60 posts to see you grab at the same straws and look foolish doing it.
Entertaining? Sure.
You're right, so I don't know why you keep talking.
By the way, at a real winning blog, like (NN and Jared, it'd be fun to have you over there), 60 comments is nothing, by the way.
I just made this one to pis you off
And this one.
We Are Penn State
Let's go Bucs
The meltdown is complete.
This getting old
Aren't we all just getting old?
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