If Floyd does go to Arizona, it could cause dominoes to fall across the country. The one job that might pique Jamie Dixon's interest in moving west is USC, even if it means going against good friend Ben Howland of UCLA. Dixon is very comfortable at Pitt, has a more passionate fan base and loves his athletic director and president, and his family enjoys the city. But USC would put him in the L.A. area near his parents and sister, and his wife would be going back to her alma mater. The money would have to be a major upgrade for him to move, but an offer at least would make him pause. I'm not sure he would do it, since he's in quite a groove at Pitt. He's comfortable on the East Coast, and as he said, he "summered" in the Bronx with his grandparents. But if he did make a move like this, Xavier's Sean Miller (a Pitt alum) would be the logical choice if the Panthers went outside the current staff.
That's right, not only has it already been figured out that Dixon's going to USC, but we've even got a replacement lined up for Pitt! See, college basketball coaching situations aren't that hard to figure out after all. On second thought, who would coach Xavier?
Interesting Qs in potential Floyd move [ESPN/Andy Katz]
Jamie Dixon Headed to USC? [Move the Needle]
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
Apparently, Tim Floyd turned down Arizona and will stay at USC to built a tradition there (translation: he got a raise). So that means Jamie will be rumored as a candidate for the Arizona coaching job.
No matter where Jamie Dixon goes, no matter how many blue chip recruits he pulls in, no matter how many Final Four or championship banners he has haning in the rafters above him, he will NEVER take a funnier picture than that.
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