The moment I saw this photo of the world's saddest quarterback, I knew it was prime fodder for a caption contest. So give it your best shot in the comments section (no emails, please), and the best entry will win a Black and Gold t-shirt set courtesy of
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
Now I know how Eli felt
Eeyore has looked happier!
"Did Bob Avellini Find Success in #6?"
"(SIGH)....Da Bears....(SIGH)"
Stupid is as stupid does.
"Repeat that.....the wide receivers I'm gonna throw to are who"?
Wow...I really am the world's biggest douche bag.
is all there is in life...
Man...I knew I should have checked the Caller ID before I answered my phone!!
"I think I may have accidentally taken too much insulin in the green room. Someone please toss me a sugar packet before I pass out."
The instant that Jay Culter discovered that he had not recently signed with the Chicago Blackhawks
"I don't want my life!"
Damn. Denver, Chicago, no matter where I go I'm still gonna have to get beat by the Steelers on my home field this year. I hate myself.
Man, I'm sure gonna miss a drunken Bubby telling me to "make the 6 proud" back in Denver. I doubt anyone here will give me "the flying squirrel" like he did when I miss my daddy.
Now I know why Urlacher always had this look on his face.
but they told me Abe Vroman, the Sausage King of Chicago would be here...
These chins were made for the famous Chicago bratwursts!
Imagine if I was a fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates...oh god, too depressing. Welp, at least we have the Cubs...oh wait...
The Steelers have this many more Super Bowls than me.
Jay Cutler is saddened by the news that Mike Tomczak was 3x the quarterback he will ever be.
I'm the quarterback of a defensive minded team...where the defense isn't even that good.
He probably was "hooray I was traded to the Chicago Bears?!? WTF?!?
I won this jersey in a caption contest on Mondesi's House.
Yep I just shart myself....DAAAAA Bears Da bears, Da Bears, Da bears!!
No one told me the deep dish pizza here in Chicago makes you this constipated
Me and my big mouth. Well I guess it could be worse, I could be holding a Browns jersey.
"I've made a huge mistake."
i cant believe chicago doesnt have the 5 dollar footlong special. I want out.
I'm a leader damn it! I've got people skills! What is wrong with you people?!
This team likes me so much more than Denver, they changed their logo to a C for Cutler.
“No, no, no, really guys, I am happy to follow in the footsteps of; Tomzack, Harbaugh, Walsh, Kramer, Mirer, McNown, Miller, Kordell, Krenzel, Orton, Grossman and Griese.”
I got traded to Chicago..And all I got was this lousy jersey
"If I'm so good why does every team I play for suck?"
Bus Cook! You told me if I whined enough I'd go to a contender!! Why didn't you check who I'd be throwing to before agreeing to this! I'll be in my room all summer if you need me!
Jay Cutler ushers in the era of Chicago professional football players who show their emotions on their sleeves. Especially sad emotions.
"Wait....I'm still wearing the same colors? BORING!"
"At least there's the cash from my Prozak endorsement!"
80's hairband Cinderella plays in the background: "Don't know whatcha got, till it's gooonnne!"
"Man, I sure hope I get a cool nickname like 'Sexy Rexy.' I'm thinking 'Ray Jay'?"
"Well at least they traded Marshall and Royal along with me. What? They..didn't?"
I can haz redo?
My testicles are so itchy!
6. Whatever.
This theme music playing:
See 1:43
Went to Denver after college and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
Can I get some tickets to Oprah?
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Take a look at it now, 'cause i'll be spending the rest of the season on my back.
yeah, i'm as surprised as you are.
The windy city? There's a lot of sucking going on around here.
I wish I was Ben Roethlisberger...
Does anyone have X-lax? I just had my first deep dish and it's really pluggin' me up..
You actually looking at using other captions instead of mine!?!?! I want traded to a different blog!
Whiny Douche Bag wouldn't fit on the back of the jersey, so I have to go with Cutler
How many wins will I guarantee the Bears?
"No I will not put on a Bears hat."
I'll trade you this Bears jersey for a new agent.
Damn, I paid a hundred bucks for the custom Kevin Butler throwback, and look how they spelled the name!
On to Plan B: Pull a Jake Plummer.
Damn right I'm mad. You forgot the "N" between the "U" and "T" in my last name.
Mommy?!! Sniff Sniff
Sub .500 winning record: check
No career playoff games: check
Major choke job at the end of a season: check
Becoming the second greatest qb in chicago history following Kordell Stewart: checkmate
(Cutler's reaction to learning that Phillip Rivers was just traded to the Lions, meaning he'll still have to face him twice per year.)
Jay Cutler, pictured here, is trying to remember 5 characters from Saved By The Bell: The New Class. Oh yea, and he got traded to the Bears.
I totally should have removed that shaved gerbil Putzier gave me as a going away present.
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