Wondering what Antwaan Randle-El's been up to in Washington? Well, wonder no more, thanks to the power of YouTube:
Yeah, the Redskins have all the looks of a team poised at a serious Super Bowl run. This is what happens when Clinton Portis is allowed to direct commercials. I'm impressed.
And yes, in another Pittsburgh-related twist, that was Sidney Crosby-hating Chris Cooley's rear end prominently featured.
*Thanks to Chris B. for the video
And yes, in another Pittsburgh-related twist, that was Sidney Crosby-hating Chris Cooley's rear end prominently featured.
*Thanks to Chris B. for the video
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
The dude wearing the shoulder pads is a really good dancer.
If I lived in the DC area I would make a mental note to avoid that dealership the next time I was shopping for a car.
Why was that guy's dick flapping around? Or at least something that looked like a dick. Gross.
So, Randel-El made an Eastern's commercial, eh? Wow.
Those are the strangest commercials I have ever seen. I think that Easterns is connected to the mob in some way, and they get dirt on these football players (and basketball players too). They then come to these guys and say "Look, you can do one of two things. You can either star in our low budget commercials for free, or we reveal your big secret." That is seriously the only thing that explains getting the stars of the local football team to star in a commercial of much worse quality then anything I've ever seen growing up in Western PA.
This one was truly bizarre.
Wow, there were some strange overtones on that one.
The dealership seems to specialize in low income customers. I can't imagine the usurious interest rates they charge. A friend of a friend of a friend (etc) bought a car there. They have a special remote control device that disable your car from starting if you miss a payment. Once you make your payment, they can instantly turn your car back on.
Alexander Ovechkin, Crosby/Malkin rival with the obnoxious goal celebration, has made a Eastern's commercial. It is really bad. They should play it at the Mellon Arena to poke fun..
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