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Tragedy struck former Pirate outfielder Al Martin, whose 17-year-old son Brandon Martin was unable to wake up, rushed to a hospital, and declared dead on Monday morning. There were no signs of trauma on Brandon and no results on the cause of death have been released.

Brandon was a senior at Scottsdale Chaparral High School in Scottsdale, Arizona and aspired to play college football. To his family's knowledge, he was not ill. By all accounts, it sounds like an extremely sad situation.

Al Martin played for the Pirates from 1992-1999 before a trade to San Diego for super-utilityman John Vander Wal prior to the 2000 season. He was traded to Seattle in 2001, spent 2002 in St. Louis' camp, and 2003 in Florida's camp before being signed by Tampa Bay, where he finished his MLB career. He briefly surfaced for a time in a South Korean league in 2004.

Al Martin did have several bizarre incidents during his career, like in 2001, when he compared a collision with Carlos Guillen to tackling Leroy Hoard as a college football player at USC in 1986. Unfortunately, there are no records that Martin ever played college football, let alone at USC. And USC didn't play Michigan in 1986. And Martin was a minor league baseball player at the time. In 2000, he was involved in an apparent case of bigamy, marrying a woman in Vegas when he already had a wife.

Son of Former Pirate Al Martin, 17, Found Dead [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

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