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As we continue to test the limits of exactly how much Steeler news people can stomach, here's a bit more, as the 300,000-person party plays out downtown...

In a move that one-ups the name change of Mayor Luke Steelerstahl, the city of Pittsburgh is now known as the city of Sixburgh, as per a City Council proclamation this morning.

Says Councilman Bruce Kraus:

"The council of the City of Pittsburgh does hearby commend the Rooney family for bringing notoriety to the City of Pittsburgh," Mr. Kraus read, with the other members of council arrayed about him, before "officially designating the City of Pittsburgh in 2009 as the City of Sixburgh."

I only hope this success rubs off on the Sixburgh Pirates this season.

Council changes city's name to Sixburgh [PG]

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Andrew Johnston said...

Let's hope that all the Buccos need is a name change.

Although, trading off all of your good, young players for nickels on the dollar has worked for the past 10, ah, nope.

Unknown said...

You make it sound like the Pirates have developed a lot of good, young players to trade away...

Steve said...
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Steve said...

Pirates? what is that, like some indoor lacross team or something? I thought they left town with the Maulers.

Has anyone else noticed the more the Steelers win, the more they're hated. Used to be even though some people weren't a fan of the Steelers, they at least had nothing bad to say about them. Now Steelers hating has become as popular as Microsoft bashing. It's a known fact ESPN hates the Steelers and I'm starting to realize most sports writers (of the Mark Madden, Bill Simmons variety) are taking that anti-Steelers stance too.

I'm fine with that that though, as it helps me sort out the "us" and "them" easier. Basically if you're not a Steelers fan, you're a hater, so F you and the mother that bore you. It's simple logic actually and it helps me keep from thumping on someone who I might have thought was a decent person.

I'm getting one of those Sixburgh shirts, and living out here in Fhiltydelphia, I'll wear it as much a possible, the dirtier the better. I almost hope they don't win 7 so it never gets stale.

P.O. said...

where do i get one of those sixburgh shirts?? those are nasty

Jonny Van Mundegaarde said...

You almost hope they don't win 7? That's rowdy...

I still wear my 60 minute men t-shirt, that didn't get stale...