--105 The X's Bob McLaughlin judged the recent Layla Kiffin Caption Contest, and the winner is Josh, with this one-liner: "My God... I didn't know hot chicks farted that bad!"
So Josh, if you're out there, email me at mondesishouse@gmail.com with your mailing information and we'll have the prize headed your way ASAP.
--Here's some early coach talk on the Oregon State-Pitt Sun Bowl on December 31. I don't know about you, but I'm always up for some Wannstache quotes. [PG]
--Meet Visanthe Shiancoe. You were probably already introduced to his weiner during the Fox postgame, but now he speaks! [Deadspin]
--Mark Madden discusses the recent Sean Avery suspension. Oh yes, this is good. [Beaver County Times]
--Double M also says that Tony Romo vs. Ben Roethlisberger is no contest. [Mark Madden/105.9 The X]
--Cowboys-Steelers was the highest-rated NFL game of the year. I can see one guy is definitely excited. [Awful Announcing]

--Looks like Detroit is out of the Jack Wilson sweepstakes, and Minnesota is in. I'm sure Jack is thrilled that LA was not mentioned in that sentence. No one would want to play in sunny California when the opportunity for Detroit or Minnesota is on the table. [PG]
--I'm predicting this is the most-clicked article of the day: "A Tale of Two Sweaters", pitting Jim Tressel against the USC Song Girls.
--Here's a great YouTube video tribute to the late, great Craig "Ironhead" Heyward. I can proudly say that I was in the stands the day that he ran all over the Miami Hurricanes (literally) in 1987, one of my earliest in-person football memories. [YouTube]
--Peter King says the Vikings have the best run defense in football. If you're wondering, no, Peter never tried to run on the Steelers. [SI.com]
--King's not the only one giving the Steelers bulletin board material, in case they missed an article from Friday's Dallas Morning News which outlined why the Steelers don't have the league's best defense. [Dallas Cowboys Blog]
--More breaking news from the New York Giants...Eli Manning accidentally shot himself with a water gun at Chuck E. Cheese. When will these football players learn? [Sports Pickle]
--I was asked to ask you to vote for Dustin Colquitt's Super Ad submission, which talks at length about Art Rooney and the Steelers. Arnold Harrison and Skippy Reed are also in the running [NFL.com]
--Nice article on Mike Tomlin from Mike Florio, who's right on in his analysis of the second-year coach. [Sporting News]
--The Steelers win made some guy $1 million. Sadly, it wasn't me. [ESPN]
--Forgot to post this a few days ago, but Geno Malkin bought a house in the Burgh. Your turn, Sid. [NHL.com]
--And more belated news, for those interested: that Nittany Lion DUI mascot is suspended until next year. No Rose Bowl. [ESPN]
--Bill Simmons on the Ryan Clark hit: "In other news, I am now actively rooting against the Steelers after Ryan Clark's Jack Tatum-esque cheap shot on Wes Welker. If that had been done to a quarterback, he would have been handcuffed on the spot, thrown in jail and banned from professional football. The Karma Police are coming for you, Ryan Clark. You just wait."
Kind of like how The Karma Police came for your Patriots this year, huh? [ESPN]
--Example #9.712 that Seattle is still dwelling on Super Bowl XL: this eBay auction for a phantom Seahawks Champions t-shirt, which includes this as part of the description: "This would have been given out to the players or sold to the public if they wouldn't have got robbed by the refs in the game." [eBay]

--14 years after its heyday, Zima is finally at peace. You will be missed. [Slate]
--It's the 15 funniest Family Guy moments of all time. Although narrowing it down to 15 is quite a task. [Manofest.com]
--Time to clear up all the gray areas: tip these 10 people this Christmas season. I love how bartender is #1. Does no one tip the barkeep anymore? For shame! [Yahoo! HotJobs]
--In this instance, Bear Grylls lost to the wild. [TMZ]
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
--Double M also says that Tony Romo vs. Ben Roethlisberger is no contest. [Mark Madden/105.9 The X]
--Cowboys-Steelers was the highest-rated NFL game of the year. I can see one guy is definitely excited. [Awful Announcing]

--Looks like Detroit is out of the Jack Wilson sweepstakes, and Minnesota is in. I'm sure Jack is thrilled that LA was not mentioned in that sentence. No one would want to play in sunny California when the opportunity for Detroit or Minnesota is on the table. [PG]
--I'm predicting this is the most-clicked article of the day: "A Tale of Two Sweaters", pitting Jim Tressel against the USC Song Girls.
--Here's a great YouTube video tribute to the late, great Craig "Ironhead" Heyward. I can proudly say that I was in the stands the day that he ran all over the Miami Hurricanes (literally) in 1987, one of my earliest in-person football memories. [YouTube]
--Peter King says the Vikings have the best run defense in football. If you're wondering, no, Peter never tried to run on the Steelers. [SI.com]
--King's not the only one giving the Steelers bulletin board material, in case they missed an article from Friday's Dallas Morning News which outlined why the Steelers don't have the league's best defense. [Dallas Cowboys Blog]
--More breaking news from the New York Giants...Eli Manning accidentally shot himself with a water gun at Chuck E. Cheese. When will these football players learn? [Sports Pickle]
--I was asked to ask you to vote for Dustin Colquitt's Super Ad submission, which talks at length about Art Rooney and the Steelers. Arnold Harrison and Skippy Reed are also in the running [NFL.com]
--Nice article on Mike Tomlin from Mike Florio, who's right on in his analysis of the second-year coach. [Sporting News]
--The Steelers win made some guy $1 million. Sadly, it wasn't me. [ESPN]
--Forgot to post this a few days ago, but Geno Malkin bought a house in the Burgh. Your turn, Sid. [NHL.com]
--And more belated news, for those interested: that Nittany Lion DUI mascot is suspended until next year. No Rose Bowl. [ESPN]
--Bill Simmons on the Ryan Clark hit: "In other news, I am now actively rooting against the Steelers after Ryan Clark's Jack Tatum-esque cheap shot on Wes Welker. If that had been done to a quarterback, he would have been handcuffed on the spot, thrown in jail and banned from professional football. The Karma Police are coming for you, Ryan Clark. You just wait."
Kind of like how The Karma Police came for your Patriots this year, huh? [ESPN]
--Example #9.712 that Seattle is still dwelling on Super Bowl XL: this eBay auction for a phantom Seahawks Champions t-shirt, which includes this as part of the description: "This would have been given out to the players or sold to the public if they wouldn't have got robbed by the refs in the game." [eBay]
--14 years after its heyday, Zima is finally at peace. You will be missed. [Slate]
--It's the 15 funniest Family Guy moments of all time. Although narrowing it down to 15 is quite a task. [Manofest.com]
--Time to clear up all the gray areas: tip these 10 people this Christmas season. I love how bartender is #1. Does no one tip the barkeep anymore? For shame! [Yahoo! HotJobs]
--In this instance, Bear Grylls lost to the wild. [TMZ]
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
The guy dumping the water over his head is T.C the beer vendor. Anybody who has ever been served by him at a Steelers or Penguins game knows that he is a certifiable lunatic (and I mean that in a good way).
I once recall him doing the same thing during the infamous SNF game when Fred Taylor had something like 200 yds rushing in 2000 or 2001. Was just as cold as it was yesterday and he did this in the 600 level.
The clip on the Heyward reminded me of how good the old Pitt uniforms looked. Seriously, they need to go back to those.
I propose a compromise on the Pitt-Penn State rivalry game - Penn State agrees to play the game only if Pitt changes back to their old jerseys, but resumes the series the moment Pitt does so. We can surely switch back now that the primary reason for switching, changing identities from Pitt to Pittsburgh, which never worked and was a dumb idea to start with, has been removed with the return of the word "Pitt" to the uniforms and helmet.
Actually, if I was freezing my half-naked A off outside with temps in the teens, dumping water on my head that was 20 degrees warmer might feel pretty good for a few seconds and unless you didn't dry off quickly, it wouldn't be a big deal.
Simmons is a puss, so who really cares what that Pansy Patsy fan has to say. Karma? Shit, the Karma police have been following that cheating team of primadonnas around for a while now,(Super Bowl loss, Brady injury, etc.) so the Welker hit just was more payback, not the other way around. Since when did Bill not root against the Steelers? He and his girlfriend Mosley should get a room...preferably a honeymoon suite with a heart-shaped hot tub.
Awesome! I've got a mint condition Zima lighted bar sign that'll now go up in value. Any takers?
Family Guy still rules, even though the past couple episodes have tanked. The guy who put together the list is a tool. How can anyone act ashamed in admitting liking it? Along with Drawn Together, it's the funniest cartoon ever and the Simpsons would almost be watchable if their stuff was half as good. Judging by the list, the real funny stuff goes right over his head, which doesn't surprise me.
Everyone's favorite Starbucks drinker also had this tidbit from an interview Plaxico did with a New York radio station in July:
On how much he wanted to win the NFC title game and get to the Super Bowl: "When you actually lose the game, it's a lifetime scar. ... I always said to myself if I ever had an opportunity to get back to another championship game, I would just leave it all on the field and I wouldn't have any regrets after that game.''
I'm too lazy to look up his stats, but isn't it nice to know that he apparently didn't "leave it all on the field" when he was with us?
I should change username to 'Josh stuck in Cincinnati'. Sent email. Thanks for the prize!
Is it really any wonder that Mark Madden has chosen the side of Sean Avery? This coming from one of the most tasteless radio personalities....why was his program dropped again?
And here's the beautiful part about the Seahawks Super Bowl Champions jersey - the auction ended with zero bids.
While the bitter Seahawks fans do get a little annoying, I can't really say I blame them a whole lot.
I mean... if my team skipped mediocrity and plummeted straight into to toilet, I'd look around for someone else to blame too. It worked for the Bengals / Kimo as well.
Sid is the richest squatter in Northern America... Apparently i have read that he has a bachelor pad, but he only goes there sometimes...
Normally they send shirts like that to third-world countries. The guy is probably stealing the shirt from some "starving Marvin" kid.
I had been hoping to see the Seahawks SB XL Champs shirt show up somewhere following a disaster (as awful as that is to say). Apparently no1 up there has gotten over it, seeing Hasslebeck's recent comments.
Speaking of Bill Simmons' karma quote; didn't Belichick criticize the quality of our safeties after last year's loss to them, although mainly because of genius Anthony Smith dared to say that he thought the Steelers could beat the Kings without a Crown, is that Karma?
I love the Ironhead clip. He was larger than life back then. I remember him showing up at the 1987 Heisman Trophy Presentation with a placard mask of Michigan State's Lorenzo White. One of my all-time favorite Panthers.
Bill Simmons? C'mon, no one reads that crap anymore. He's so 2002.
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