According to promos I've heard for the better part of the week, celebrity judges determining one person's career fate include ESPN personality Beano Cook, former Steeler Mike Logan, and Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl. Quite an interesting cross-section of personalities to say the least.
In other 1250 news, it looks like Chris Mack is blogging again, only this time it's under the 1250 banner after dropping the "smells like cheese" title. That's probably a good idea.
ESPN 1250 Top Fan [ESPN 1250]
Chris Mack Blog [ESPN 1250]
WOW! I find it funny that $500 worth of dry cleaning is the prize when the ESPN personalities dress like slobs. The last time I saw Eddie Crow on a remote, he spilled pizza sauce on his Pirates t-shirt. Jim Colony (love the guy regardless) looks like he crawls out of a dryer to do a show.
Your headline could also read "Mayor Luke is a Douche"
shouldnt mayor luke be worried about more pressing issues? like sneaking into oakmont?
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