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I realize everyone is human and mistakes are made from time to time (luckily, Mondesi's House readers are prompt to point them out whenever they happen on this site). But this one has to be filed under the "Pretty Bad" Category: in an article bidding adieu to Jaromir Jagr, ESPN's Scott Burnside refers to Jags as "No. 66". Yikes. Apparently the copy editors at the .com had the 4th of July off.

Predictably, readers went nuts on Burnside in the comments section, which is always a lot of fun. ESPN has since corrected the error, but in anticipation I grabbed a screen shot yesterday.

Coming tomorrow: feature articles on #24, Michael Jordan, and #98, Wayne Gretzky.

With Jagr gone, the page has been turned in New York [ESPN]


Anonymous said...

Too bad Jags went to Russia. Would have loved to have seen him finish his career in PGH.

Unknown said...

Burnside is a boob.