Big Lead Sports Bar



As an 11-year-old, I made the huge financial miscalculation of spending $30 on a complete set of 1988 Topps baseball cards at Phantom of the Attic at Parkway Center. At the time, it was the purchase of a lifetime; no longer would I have to bust open packs and be disappointed when I got my fifth copy of Steve Jeltz. I would have all 792 cards at my disposal.
Today, I see that 1988 Topps baseball card sets are available on eBay for a current bid of .15, likely due to the fact that they're still probably printing them to this day.

Despite their worthless status, I still love my '88 Topps. So you can imagine my excitement when someone came up with a blog devoted to nothing but 1988 Topps:

We're celebrating the 20th anniversary of one of the great classic baseball card sets, 1988 Topps. We're going through all 792 cards one by one, posting bits about what makes the card awesome and cool stats about the player or team featured on the card. PLUS, we're giving away ALL the cards we post! Keep your eye out for new contests about once a week.

As a favor to all you Pirate fans, I found the "Pirates" tag, which chronicles each and every '88 Topps Pirate they've covered so far. The memories of Felix Fermin, Al Pedrique and Vincente Palacios came flooding back. If only I had a rock-hard stick of Topps bubble gum to chew while I read this.

1988 Topps Pirates []


LeeTunnel said...

Ah, Phantom of the Attic. In the corner just a ways from the Gold Circle.

AJ said...

I for one welcome the new 'Vincente Palacios tag' to the website. Here's hoping for many future uses (although I am not counting on any).

Anonymous said...

Just like the 1990-91 Pro Set hockey cards.

Dallas Mike said...

Classic references Mondesi. Not only did I have the Mike Dunne Starting Lineup figure, but Felix Fermin tossed me my first official Major League Baseball during a pregame BP session. As for Al Pedrique, he will forever be remembered as a Nintendo RBI baseball legend as a member of the NL All-Star Team. However, Pedrique was one of the only members of that NL team that couldn't hit it out of the RBI Baseball stadium.

Andy said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the shout out to my 88 Topps blog!