Big Lead Sports Bar



No, you're not looking at an actual injured Steeler fan who had one too many Irons and hit the Heinz Field parking lot pavement. It turns out that the North Las Vegas police department wanted to do a little simulated automobile crash demonstration, so what better to dress the dummy victim in than a Ben Roethlisberger jersey? Steeler fans always walk directly into traffic, right?

But it didn't end there. The demonstration also included a simulated motorcycle crash, with the same Ben-clad dummy once again used as a prop. The irony of the Roethlisberger + motorcycle crash combination...a little tacky, no?


HotDog_Zanzabar said...

Someone in Las Vegas has an outstanding sense of humor.

Unknown said...

Something tells me that Seahawk fan had an integral role in this drill. This reeks of their pathetic "humor".

Anonymous said...

Vegas, huh?

I cna only hope that "The Chopper" is involved.

Erik said...

I normally wouldn't care about this, but doesn't Ben routinely give police departments money? I thought I read he makes a donation to each city the Steelers visit during the season. If so, this is a pretty weak move on their part.

If anyone wants to let them know how lame this is, here you go:

jimmy_the_freak said...

I'm just waiting for Bob Smizik to write an article calling for someone to get fired for this insensitive and sophomoric display.

Mike said...

Russ Grimm wasn't driving any of the cars by chance was he?

Anonymous said...

My uncle Mark, who works as a stunt and sometimes makes these type of jobs, is always searching for viagra online without prescription pills, and then I realized those pills can act as a pain killer. Now, how safe are these tests? Does any human work on it?