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Dynasty, you say? Yes, if you're talking about one of the five MLB Failure Dynasties. It's hard work to keep trotting out a loser with such consistency, but ESPN breaks down just how the Pirates, Orioles, Devil Rays, Royals, and Nationals have pulled it off. The Pirates blurb breaks no new ground, but it sure is interesting to see them side-by-side against organizations with similar results.
The good news is that ESPN is predicting the Pirates could have a winning season by 2010. Needless to say, I doubt many of you are that optimistic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I've stated many times on this site, the Buccos will set the all-time mark for franchise futility next year. I plan to be in attendance for loss #82 if it's on the east coast. Get the champagne ready.