A great number of readers have already signed up for the Mondesi Madness pool. In fact, as I was perusing the list of entries today, I was impressed with the vast number of clever names, including such classics as...
You, Me and Dupuis
Send it in Jerome
Sid Bream's Porn Stache
Otis Nixon is Ugly
Larry Fitzgerald Field House
Uncle Tomlin's Cabin
I H8 the Pitt Panthers
Sars & Stripes Forever
Sars & Stripes Forever
Levance's Cornrows
So join in the fun with your fellow Mondesi friends. It's easy, free, you can win stuff, and you can try to top one of these great nicknames.
Click this link to enter, then "join a group", then "join a private group".
The Group ID# is 71286. The password is mondesi.
The highest score in our group receives $100 in store credit to steelcityauctions.com. 2nd prize gets $50 in store credit, 3rd gets $25 in store credit.