Big Lead Sports Bar


The Next Generation of Hansons

ESPN is running a very cool segment on Peters Twp's Christian Hanson, current Notre Dame hockey player and son of Slapshot star Dave Hanson (shown below with a few other famous hockey players).

For those of you who need a refresher on Chris' father's work, here's a few clips of his best material:

Dave Molinari On The Penguins: Hockey & Johnstown ... it's more than 'slap shot' [PG]

Christian Hanson [Notre Dame bio]

Christian Hanson [Straight Outta Johnstown]

Christian Hanson: Son of Slap Shot [ESPN]

1 comment:

Koz said...

Good catch, Mondesi. I saw the SC clip and meant to mention it in my column. This makes up for my lack of Hockey You Tube of the Week this week.