Big Lead Sports Bar


Time Flies When You're Blogging About Pittsburgh

I can't believe it myself, but it was one year ago this week that Mondesi's House was officially unveiled to the masses. "10 Worst McClatchy/Nutting Pirates Moves" was the very first article, and it was a blast to put together. Little did I know that those 1,568 words would change my life forever.
I've been humbled by the overwhelming response since day one. I do this site because I've always enjoyed writing (I'm the son of two journalism majors) and I've always loved Pittsburgh sports. I'd like to think of myself as a creative person, and when I hear stories about how much people love the site, it's incredibly rewarding.
I could thank a number of people, but I'm going to make this really simple: the audience is what makes this site go. With no audience, are my words even heard? With no audience, how would I get all of the tips, photos, and links that make up so much of the content? With no audience, how could I continue popular features like the mailbag? I feel like I've become a middleman for all things Pittsburgh. You're sending the news and you're reading the news that others have sent. Things are running like a well-oiled machine, and I can't thank you enough.
I have some exciting things lined up for this week in honor of the one-year mark, including some special features, some "year in review" items, some "best of" goodies, and some surprises, of course. I have high expectations for this site. And I expect the second year of Mondesi's House to be exponentially better than the first. I can say without a doubt that the best is yet to come.


TheStarterWife said...

Happy Birthday!

Here's to another great year ahead!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday indeed, i'm in shock its actually been a full year.

Sean said...

Happy Birthday Raul!

Congratulations on a great first year!

snoopyjode said...

congratulations on mondesi's house's 1st birthday! keep up the good work!

south-fl-steel said...

congratulations on some great work over the last year. your site is first read material every morning!
keep up the good work, raul! look forward to your insight for many more!

gatorB8 said...

Congrats! One of the first sites on the web I check everyday.

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

I say to celebrate we all get shitfaced drunk!

Except maybe Adam... I believe he's underage and who really wants to hear him ramble about JoePa in slurred speech for five hours?

Unknown said...

Please let one of the surprises be an exclusive interview with Ronnie Florian!

HotDog_Zanzabar said...

TJ wants to hold hands with Ronnie Florian and gaze deeply into his transition lenses.

AJ said...

Happy Birthday, Raul!

To think... I stumbled upon this site just about a year ago when I read an article in the PG regarding Pirates fan's angst towards the organization.

Funny how 365 days later, absolutely nothing has changed.

Dirty Sanchez said...

Way to go Louis, you just gave Adam a segue to work his "PSU rules and Pitt sucks" dogma into our little B-Day celebration! Not that Adam needs any kind of segue for that.

Happy Birthday Raul, maybe Joe Hardy can throw you a birthday party.

Jules said...

I'm with quite a few other...first site I check every morning. Keep it up!

I also appreciate the introduction to Louis Lipps...I read the comments just to see what he says. And I hope Adam shows up just cause everyone likes a good battle.

Katie said...

Happy Birthday, Raul! Thanks for keeping this Ex-Pat informed and amused out here on the West Coast.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Raul.

This site sure beats the shit out of reading Roon Cook and Bob Smizik everyday.

Unknown said...

Don't worry, guys and gals, Adam has a bottle of vaseline and reruns of the last 2 seasons of the Penn State Football Story keeping him occupied. That Guy Junker, how he gives the vapors.

Louis Lipps is my homeboy said...

I officially declare jweasy the smartest man alive!!!

Thanks for the props. But seriously, all praise goes to Raul man. He inspires me to write this half-cocked BS.

But if we're going to talk about commenters we admire, I'll go ahead and say that I usually enjoy cecil's stuff.

PittCheMBA said...

Congrats! Happy Birthday! and Happy Anniversary! I love reading your blog and catching up on Pittsburgh Sports news (plus anything else that you throw out therer).

Jules said...

Even though I am not a man I thank you for declaring me!

Where the hell is Adam?? Slow day at work and I need some entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Hey Raul,

It's been amazing to watch your site grow. It's totally enjoyable to read. By this time next year, you not only will be the most popular sports blogger in Pittsburgh (which you are already) you'll have one of the most popular sites in the country!

I especially like how there has developed a cast of "regulars" a la Howard Stern, that seemingly have a comment on everything! Keep it up Louis Lipps, Adam, Hot Dog Zanzabar, Cecil from Cecil, AJ, Brad, Gator B8, Starter Wife, Gwen-Jen, Meadowbrook Alum and all the rest. You folks also play a major role in making this the fun site that it is.

I also have to tell you readers that I was very proud last year when my youngest son and I designed the original Mondesi's House logo. (You know, the one with the house getting shot up and the windows broken that looked like it was drawn by a three-year-old). Well like a Pirate's #1 draft choice, it was eventually discarded for a new, more chic version, that was done by a professional artist. Tossed out like an old rag, a copy of that original remains framed on the wall in my office, a silent permanent reminder for me of the birth of Mondesi's House one year ago this week. Maybe someday, Raul, you will once again allow his legions of fans to enjoy musing over your original, best logo.