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The AFC North Has Interesting QBs

First, we were treated to this picture of future Browns quarterback Brady Quinn a few weeks ago:

Now, the inevitable Bengal follow-up, showing Carson Palmer shoving a weiner in his mouth, comes down the pipe:

It's your move, Steve McNair.

As for our QB, his pictures have already been taken:

*Thanks to Chas from AOL Sports for the tip


save the steagles said...

I never thought we would reach the day when Ben would be the quarterback providing the least amount of embarrassment for his team in the whole division. It's a good day for Steeler fans everywhere.

Unknown said...

This drunken photo of ben is much better than the effort in the brady quinn/ben collage. The previously discussed "mongrel" is blocked from view, and ben looks more hilariously drunk.

HotDog_Zanzabar said...

Is that the Mongrel over Fake Tan's shoulder? I can't tell if she is laughing hysterically or crying from the pain of being surgically removed from Ben.

The Duke from Dukes Court said...

How does Carson Palmer's agent allow that ad to happen? I mean come on!!


As for the fake tan:
I just went to the Pirates game with my buddy who grew up in Pittsburgh but has been living in Boston for the last few years. We went to Hightops before the game to have a few drinks and one of his first comments was:

"ahh to be in Pittsburgh, the city where really fake tans are still considered hot."

Dirty Sanchez said...

I do believe that is the mongrel in the background.

So we're got a weiner chugging QB in Cincy, a weiner grabbing QB in Cleveland, and an alcoholic in the 'Burgh. Somehow Steve McNair's DUI arrest when he was neither drunk nor driving just doesn't match up. He needs to step it up.

Laser Rocket Arm said...

You forgot that McNair got busted a few years ago for DUI AND having a gun in his car. Charges were dropped though, but still he made an effort at stupidity which must be applauded.