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Adios, Mr. Crean

I'm glad I had a working remote on Thursday night, with the Pens and the Panthers playing simultaneously. Despite their late-season struggles, Pitt always seems to get up for the Big East tournament. If I had a choice, I'd rather they get up for the NCAA tournament, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.
So Pitt faced off against a pesty Marquette team that's beaten the Panthers twice this season. What better way to kick off the BET than a matchup against one of your toughest foes? But the Panthers were ready on this night, topping the Golden Eagles by a score of 89-79.
Aaron Gray played like the Aaron Gray we all know and love, with 22 points and 10 boards. Mike Cook added 16 points without a single turnover, Levance Fields poured in 13, and off the bench, Sam Young abused the Golden Eagles for 17 points in 19 minutes. The post-game featured the usual frosty "handshake" between Jamie Dixon and Tom Crean. Larry Fitzgerald, Tyler Palko, and the Wannstache were in the Pitt cheering section. Lots of good stuff on this evening.
Pitt's next game in the tournament is Louisville, the team that embarrassed them in their worst Petersen Center loss ever just a few weeks ago. Louisville had a Penguin-like double-OT game with West Virginia on Thursday night, so here's hoping they're running on low batteries. Another win puts Pitt in the Big East championship yet again, where they hope to improve on their Cowher-esque record of 1-4 in Big East championships in the Howland/Dixon era. Speaking of old Benny, his UCLA team didn't do too well on Thursday. He can watch the Pitt game with Tom Crean on Friday night.


Sean said...

I'm going to write this for Adam so that he does not have to later today:

I am again outraged that there is no mention of Penn State basketball. The team only lost by a few points against Illinois. If Penn State defeated the Illini, they would have definitely won the Big 10 Tournament. Penn State is much better than their record of 11-19 shows. They were in every game and could have easily have been 30-0. Oh and Pitt football sucks and without Gray, Young and Fields, Pitt basketball would also suck.

Thank you,

Unknown said...

Well done sean, I'm hoping adam does this much apologizing for the pirates, as well, it will keep me laughing all summer. Hope louisville left their legs on the floor last night, that press could be a lot less effective than the earlier bloodbath at the pete.

AJ said...

you know... when I saw that there were already two comments on this post, I thought for sure one of them had to be from adam.

too funny...

Anonymous said...

This victory did not surprise me at all, what with "hidden viggerish" and all. Pitt looked like they really had a big chip on their shoulder which has been missing for awhile. I think Louisville's double OT game will have an effect during the second half tonight. Pitt will throttle these guys too, then have a cataclismic battle with Georgetown for the title, which they will win.

Hear me well people, Pitt has shaken off the cobwebs and gotten their mojo back. They are going to be a nightmare for whoever gets to play them from here on in.

By the way, that was too bad about Penn State yesterday! What tough luck. Sad, very sad.

Anonymous said...

Is Mr. Crean a Japanese version of the bald guy that has a cleaning product? You know, "Mr. Crean leaves a sheen where he creans."