The Story:
While tailgating in Philly for the Steelers vs. Eagles preseason game we hear that Lynn Swann will be making his rounds to visit the Steeler fans in hopes of winning more votes for the upcoming election (to which I have no interest in as you all know). Being that we were the first people in the lots, 7 hours before kickoff, we were an instant draw of other Steeler fans to park next to us and our tailgate had a pretty nice turnout by game time.
As the Hall of Famer approaches us people are surrounding him with cameras, and microphones and body guards that could seriously throw me a good 20-30 yards on the fly. He gets to me and shakes my hand and I say, "I was wondering if you could do me a favor" as I hold up the ping pong ball. "Could you take one shot for us before you move on?"
He takes the ball without question and we walk to the table. He then says, "Just throw it in the cup?" I agree with him and give him a little advice because the wind was kicking up at this fine day (which is when the picture attached was taken, thank you Janine).
He makes a few arm motions warming up a bit, eyes the red cup at the other end of the table filled slightly with IC Light, takes a breath and let's it fly. The crowd that surrounded the table was at least 30 deep by now with Steeler fans cheering for him like he was back on the field again. Cameras flashing, video camera's rolling, his bodyguards and marketing team thinking about the damage this might do to his campaign and then...
The crowd erupts with cheers as the ball lands inside the cup. He turns to me and gives me a high 5 before fleeing the scene and probably having his marketing team erase all video of this ever happening but it doesn't get much better than this
Swann for Governor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Is Lynn Swann wearing Bad idea jeans?
This should pretty much lock up the Pittsburgh vote for Swanny.
This just in: Crosby and Malkin are the awesomest people ever.
I'm still going to wipe the floor with him come November 7th.
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