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Steeler Fans Meet Their Match in Ticket-Buying

According to, Packers fans are beating Steeler fans 2-to-1 in terms of ticket searches, but the combination of the two teams and the Dallas backdrop has resulted in astronomical prices across the board. 

This story from the Dallas Business Journal is reporting average ticket prices to be $4375 as of today, while this one from Fox says $3711 per ticket, but either way, that's a whole lot of money to watch one game. And that's not factoring in airfare, hotels, cabs, food, souvenirs, etc. I'm guessing an individual could easily drop 10 grand to attend this game in person based on the numbers I've heard.

And if you ever thought the cost of parking was high at Heinz Field, you'll think it's a bargain after this game. Would you believe spots are going for nearly $1,000? Me neither, but that's what's being widely reported. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around someone dropping a grand on a parking space, even in free-spending Dallas.

Mondesi's House: The Director's Cut (more links, commentary, etc):


Sam said...

Steelers fans are probably all spent out and less excited (at least to travel and see it in-person) about this Superbowl since it's our third in six years.

Packers fans, on the other hand, must be chomping at the bit...

Borsk said...

If you spend the week in Dallas topped off by the game and take in the whole experience I can see $10,000 I think. $1000 to park? That number is so high I can't even really comprehend it. $40 at Heinz is even hard to stomach.

Nate said...

All for a game that's specifically designed to be a better viewing experience at home.

Vince said...

These metrics are based on geographic location, so they are saying that people in the Green Bay fan base area are out searching the Steelers fan base area...

But as we all know, the steelers nation knows no bounds

Unknown said...

That is not entirely true aobut parking. There is parking avaialbe through the NFL for about 80 bucks. There are those that are trying to make some money, selling "PRIVATE" parking in the area around the stadium to the highest bidder. Pretty sad, but then again, Jerry is charging $ 200 to watch the game on a Big Screen outside the Stadium!!!

Unknown said...

oh and as far as Packer fans traveling...........well they have to.........STEELER NATION is already here in Dallas though lol I am sure we will be well represented!!!!!