Sad news came into the light today for those of us following the soft-spoken Steeler's foray into social networking.
His recently-opened Twitter account, with a robust 22,000-and-change followers and verified by Twitter as authentic, sounds like it's not really written by Polamalu at all:
"It's just really to help out some of the stuff we're trying to do," Polamalu said of his charity work. "It's not me at all."
So he's saying that someone else wrote this one?
"I'm leaving behind a pregnant wife and 21 month old son to capture a dream I have had since childhood. I have been training my whole life for this; in my actions and in my thoughts. Never escaping me for a moment."
Mondesi's House: The Director's Cut (more links, commentary, etc): twitter.com/mondesishouse
Email: mondesishouse@gmail.com
Calls into question what "verified" means to Twitter
Well, he's not saying it was some fan who pretended to be him. I defriended him awhile back because half his tweets were promotions for "buy this" or "check out that." It was pretty obvious it was an agent or PR person tweeting for him.
I don't really blame twitter on this. I've heard a lot of the "verified" celeb accounts are just agents using it to promote things
It's very easy to tell when a celebrity/athlete twitter account is them actually tweeting or just using it to promote things (i.e. comedy gigs, charity events etc).
I don't follow them, it's not interesting.
Lamar Woodley's twitter feed is very much him, and very funny. He's no BizNasty or OGOchoCinco, but he gets the job done.
It looks like Nike probably "encouraged" Troy Polamalu to start that Twitter account (or something like that). It's part of the upcoming launch of his website http://www.troy43.com/
Just look at the bio, what celebrity/athlete would write: "The Official Troy Polamalu Twitter Feed".
@TPolalmalu just tweeted a link to your site! Lucky you lol
Sorry for the spam, here is a link to our forum discussion on Troy's twitter account: http://boringpittsburgh.com/forum/pittsburgh-sports/troy-polamalu-is-my-homeboy/
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