The Steelers' nightmare offseason, fresh off the news of Willie Colon's injury, just had another story drop out of the sky with the news that Casey Hampton's Point Breeze home has been burglarized. Says the Trib:
"Phone lines to Hampton's home were cut and the internal alarm keypad was ripped from the wall, police said. Three large, flat-screen televisions were stolen along with two expensive watches, police said, and the home was ransacked."
The robbery occurred sometime between June 21 and June 24, and was discovered by an assistant employed by Hampton to keep watch over the home. Hampton returned to his native Texas in May.
This sounds like a pretty high-stakes heist, as stealing bulky items like large flat-screen TVs would seem to indicate thieves who didn't fear getting caught. An investigation by the Pittsburgh police is ongoing, and I will be very interested to hear what kind of details they are able to dig up.
If you're interested in another recent Casey Hampton story, check out this one from the Trib yesterday about his relationship (as well as other Steelers') with cancer patient Heather Miller. If this doesn't touch you, you might want to check your pulse.
I say when they catch the people who did this, they should get locked in a room alone with Big Snack for a half hour, and what happens happens.
Anyone need an "assistant" to watch your home? There's at least one more on the market and probably comes at a good rate!
I guess the robbers did not touch his emergency stash of twinkies and frozen bacon?
Even a big guy like him can't do much against burglars on his own. He should have hired a locksmith to secure his home.
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