No one can silence
Santonio Holmes on Twitter, and he's been on fire this morning, telling one fan to kill herself, talking about "getting his grind on" and laughing all the way to the bank, and the cherry on top, telling fans they don't cut his check. That always ingratiates a player to his fan base.
Keep it up, Santonio. You're really on a roll.
For more of his merriment:
Santonio10 [Twitter]
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Time to trade Santonio.
At least Ben knew enough to keep his mouth shut.
Santonio for a first round pick in the upcoming draft. You heard it here first.
y u guyz keep on h8tn on him? U don't cut his chks, u shud shut ur mouths. Let him enjy his time @ disney! LMAO!!1!
You can take the kid out of the hood...........
We don't CUT his check, but we buy the tickets, the jerseys, the concecssions, pay the parking fees, etc.
He honestly just told someone to kill themself? The way he is going, I am surprised he doesn't just do it for her and blame someone.
This dude is bad news and he's had more than enough chances to correct his behavior. He is a father with 3 kids, acting like the world owes him something. I am tired of these pieces of trash.
It's time to get rid of him. Let's hope that the Rooneys, Colbert, and Tomlin come to their senses and release him by the end of the week. We don't need this garbage, especially with the depth at the receiver position right now.
We don't cut his checks.
But we fork a lot of money over to the people that do sign his checks.
If he's innocent, let it play out in the courts. no need to start pissing matches online with fans.
If the Steelers are going to rid themselves of him, they should at least try to get something in return, no? Even with this drama and nonsense, he still is an asset and getting nothing in return for him would be a huge mistake. He is still on his rookie salary and certainly would be considered an above average receiver. If Seattle was willing to part with a second round pick for Charlie Whitehurst (?!?!), I would think that Santonio Holmes has to hold at least that same value. Unfortunately for the Steelers, who, besides the Raiders (and it looks like they are trading their 2nd for McNabb), would be interested in trading for him at this point?
i would think we could get a 1st round pick for him right now.
ah, everything that's wrong with the combination of twitter and professional athletes! death threats and acting like an overpaid clown.
i hope, as someone pointed out before, that the writing was already on the wall for santonio when randle el and battle signed. Maybe he didn't really throw that drink, but one of his boys did. And he thinks he's hot sh*t, above the law, and needs taken down a peg (a whole peg!).
The people looking really bad over all this is the Ohio State English department.
Hopefully Mr Rooney stops cutting his checks too ... punk a$$. Hey Santonio, why dont you go find the sweetest ride you can find, drink a couple fifths, climb on in and start it up, slam the gas down and drive head on into a bridge pillar at 90mph. I mean since you can tell a fan to kill themself maybe you can do us a favor and stop wasting our air douchebag!
You mean "people looking really bad over this ARE the Ohio State English department".
Sorry, had to do it man....
Yeah, I agree. Time to trade him. We have enough depth at WR that we can move him for a first round pick (possibly more) and not miss too much,
you guys are f---ing nuts if you think they can get a 1st round for him.
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