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Congratulations to the AFC Champion Indianapolis Colts, who failed to impress anyone in the originality department with their "Terrific Towel" in the stands this afternoon. And to add insult to injury, the creator of this even was as far as to use the same font as the Terrible Towel. I can only hope they know the address for the Allegheny Valley School.

For the record, Mondesi's House will not be accepting any photo submissions of Terrific Towels around the globe. Just wanted to throw that out there.

*Thanks to Jim for the screen grab

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Kaschok68 said...

I believe that qualifies for copyright infringment....lawsuit time.

Anonymous said...

I saw that too! I said to myself WTF? I think I feel the Terrible Curse coming their way in Miami.

Steve said...

Yup, if anyone is caught selling/manufacturing those, I hope all proceeds form the lawsuit go to the school.

Oh, this also officially means the Saints are winning the Super Bowl.

Unknown said...

If I were a Colts fan, I would be ashamed to wave that towel because it belongs to another franchise.

andyfark said...

As a Colts fan, I denounce this idea. It's goofy as hell. But, it's not the Colts that are making those. It's just one random dude. Trust me, they would've had those at the Pro Shop the day after the game. I doubt they'll catch on. This is actually the first I've even heard about it and I live in Indy...

Unknown said...

i agree with andyfark. probably just some guy that made one as a tribute. even if the colts were making and selling them, what could they be sued for? i highly doubt the steelers have the terrible towel font trademarked.

newpointlp said...

This is sad. I would hope that before anyone would actually produce these that they would research the history of the Terrible Towel.
It’s not just some trinket to cheer on a team; it’s got a long and honorable history.
If these do actually show up in Miami, I hope the Pre-Game guys explain the history of Myron Cope and what HIS Terrible Towel really stands for!

Aire said...

WOW! Seriously so sick of people copying off our towel. How hard is it to come up with something new???

Unknown said...

There's a 'TM' on every Terrible Towel I own; I just checked. Somebody's guilty of trademark infringement.

Unknown said...

Somebody might actually want to look up what trade marked is before they scream lawsuit...and look really stupid in the process.

Does it look EXACTLY like it? Nope. Doesnt say the same thing or have the same colors.

No, not original, but so what?

b*sherrie said...

How in the world is it copyright infringement? Get over yourselves! It's a towel!

Unknown said...

Looks like the Terrific Towel came back to haunt the Colts. What a shame. Maybe all you Colts fans can dry up your tears with your towl now. I love it.