Big Lead Sports Bar



"The world is full of good people. Noble, selfless, generous people who help the helpless, who continue to push when the world says retreat, who embody the better angels of our nature. This is not a list of those people. This is a list of men and women who, by virtue of skill or character, make us happy — happy that they're among us, happy that they do what they do, happy that they're successful. Each of them possesses exceptional talent, of course, but each also satisfies two special requirements: Would we like to have a drink with this person? And would we trust this person with our puppy?"

That was the criteria Esquire used for their just-published list of the 75 Best People in the World. Among the 75 are George Clooney, Warren Buffett, Lebron James, Beyonce, Matt Damon, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, Heidi Klum, Tom Cruise...and PA Governor Ed Rendell.

I would say congratulations are in order, but the list also includes Lisa Simpson, Britney Spears and Borat. Penguin fans who suffered through the roller-coaster ride known as the arena and gaming license debacle, what say you about this honor?

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Koz said...

Is Kanye West on the list?

Unknown said...

how about Bob Nutting?

Unknown said...

Ed Rendell is actually one of the 75 biggest assholes on the planet and I dare say that if you voted for him, you're an asshole too.

BURGH08 said...

Was "Penn State Adam" ranked above or below the Gov?

nuthinhere said...

I don't live in PA anymore but I do visit a couple times a year. I have yet to meet, hear, or read about anybody who likes this guy.

BurressWithButterflywings said...

If Philadelphia is the entire world, then Fasty Eddy is certainly one of the best people given his completely biased gubernatorial turn.

Otherwise; he is a fat, pompous greaseball who I am ashamed to say is in the same political party as I am.

okel dokel said...

Fast Eddie's nickname was Stench in college.

okel dokel said...
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Constant Gardener said...

That slimeball has to be the single most random person they possibly could have picked for that stupid little piece. He's quite possibly the single most ineffectual governor this state has ever had. And I still can't believe he was re-elected!