Nice work by the Detroit Free Press today. An animated "Don't Touch Sidney" game and this year's 192,577th jab at the NHL wanting Sid and the Penguins to win the Cup. They realize that the Red Wings have had 21 power plays to the Penguins' 13 in the Finals, right?
But honestly, that's some journalism by the Free Press. If their team doesn't win the Cup, at least they can look forward to the inevitable Pulitzers coming their way.

But honestly, that's some journalism by the Free Press. If their team doesn't win the Cup, at least they can look forward to the inevitable Pulitzers coming their way.

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"21 power play goals to 13." That stat alone should shut down the Detroit Free Press for trying such a stupid, already been used, gimmick.
Go listen to Kid Rock, losers.
Well at least PGH sportswriters and Detroit have one thing in common: They both hate Pittsburgh Sports teams and their fans!
I love how the Red Wings always come off as saintly, a lot of which is because NBC elects to show certain replays of no-calls.
So instead of focusing on why Detroit will win they're making excuses on why they won't win. Didn't realize Ron Cook moonlighted.
Pierre McGuire is a joke. I love watching 5 minutes of him bellyaching on non-calls.
Go Pens!
Detroit has proven to be as lame as Washington in their needless Sid-bashing. How far you have fallen, so-called Hockey-Town...
I would have to agree with the Detroit has fallen comment. Since they are one of the "original six" they feel they are more qualified than other fans to determine the "state of hockey."
They may have eclipsed Washington, but still have some ground to cover to catch Philly.
Overall they are a very whiny fanbase
Does anybody tired of hearing Eddie 'Benedict' Olczyk complain and rag on the penguins all the time?
Please see some of my previous comments on older posts regarding Bozo errr i mean EdZo.
I am with you 100% as are many others
Lining up excuses aka being scared.
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