This week we've got a little contest to reward all the loyal emailers, courtesy of our friends at No Fear Energy:
No Fear Energy has launched its first-ever under the tab code promotion—Earn Some Cred. You crack open specially marked cans of No Fear Energy drink, find the code under the tab, enter that code at and start earning cred for No Fear gear or if you’re super lucky, instantly win the VIP Credentials for 1 of 8 once-in-a-lifetime experiences like a trip to a Mixed Martial Arts event, Hawaiian surf getaway, a Motocross event, or to a stop on the No Fear Energy Music Tour featuring the metal band Lamb of God.
Anyone who emails a link or a thought for The News this week is automatically entered into a drawing for a prize pack valued at $100 courtesy of No Fear Energy:
No Fear Energy has launched its first-ever under the tab code promotion—Earn Some Cred. You crack open specially marked cans of No Fear Energy drink, find the code under the tab, enter that code at and start earning cred for No Fear gear or if you’re super lucky, instantly win the VIP Credentials for 1 of 8 once-in-a-lifetime experiences like a trip to a Mixed Martial Arts event, Hawaiian surf getaway, a Motocross event, or to a stop on the No Fear Energy Music Tour featuring the metal band Lamb of God.
Anyone who emails a link or a thought for The News this week is automatically entered into a drawing for a prize pack valued at $100 courtesy of No Fear Energy:
2 – No Fear T-shirts (one of each style)
1 – No Fear Bloodshot Hat
1 – 12-pack of the new No Fear Bloodshot Energy Drink
1 – Lamb of God’s latest CD “Wrath” releasing on Feb. 24
1 – Sticky Bumps Surf Wax
So get those links and emails in to the address below, and you've got a shot at the prize.
Also, a little housekeeping...the winner of our last Caption Contest was Santogold, with this one-liner: "My buddy in Seattle says that complaining all off-season about the referees lessens the pain."
So Santogold, please email me and we will arrange for your t-shirt prize courtesy of Burghshirts.
Send your news, tips, and links to