In a recent clip, noted Steeler fan Rush Limbaugh somehow makes a comparison between Kurt Warner's final drive in Super Bowl 43 and Barack Obama, drawing the conclusion that he hoped they both would fail. Let's go to the tape...
But wait a second...doesn't Obama also count himself among the card-carrying members of Steeler Nation? That's right, he sure does. Chalk this up as just another example of the wonder that is Steeler football...it even brings together liberals and conservatives.

He is easily the most unlikable member of Steeler nation. That picture with Ben's shirt makes me want to eat a few tabs of OxyContin.
I wonder how he felt about Dan supporting Obama.
Never post anything related to the fear-mongerer Limbaugh ever again. He is a scumbag piece of shit
It is obvious that Jake and Okel are 2 of the many sheeple who get off on everything that the socialist in the oval office says. Maybe one day.. probably after the Dow sinks in the 5K range and we are a trillion extra dollars in debt, and people like this STILL don't have jobs, they might see the fault in their flawed idiology. But, Hey..At least they will get more foodstamps :)
Yeah......... because the previous administration did such a wonderful job we should have continued with their model by putting another one of their puppets in office!
Rush Limbaugh is a big, fat idiot.
While the previous administration wasn't fiscally responsible, this new administration is doing more damage in 30 days than Bush did in 8 years. Also remember that there has been a Liberal congress for the past for most of the Bush years. Most of the rediculous things that Bush did in office resulted when he "reached across the aisle". If you really want to get down to the true problem, it started to heat up under the Clinton administration -> Fanny & Freddie :)
...so the Republicans' decision to deregulate the financial industry didn't have anything to do with the economic crisis? Ha!
Thanks for presuming to know my politics - you do not so STFU.
I was merely speaking to the irony of Rush's comments and I do not like him because he is a loud mouth who spews hatred, regardless of his views. Not unlike your self I might add.
I find it ironic you call me one of the sheeple...he who live in glass houses my friend. Wait you would never be one of mt friends...douchebag
I too, wanted Kurt Warner to fail. It was also nice to see Steeler Nation alive and well in D.C. . . . I wonder how they feel about the pens? :-)
(see? See what I did there? I came to a sports blog and posted about SPORTS! Me, the one my friends call a politics junkie, posted about sports instead of politics. Look to me for inspiration, you can do it too!)
I'm warmed by the thought of how this greasy turd must have bristled at Dan Rooney's comments on the podium after accepting the Lombardi Trophy.
Obama is NOT a Steeler fan. He was merely pandering for votes. I HATE bandwagon fans.
I dare him to name the front line of the Steel Curtain.
Hillary Clinton has always been a Yankee fan (cough She was a Cubs fan before running for the Senate (NY) cough). Politicians are morons & liars. Obama is a Bears fan, not a Steelers fan but it doesn't matter. I don't care if Stalin was a Steelers fan, there still my team. I'm more horrified that Gwyneth Paltrow may be a Steelers fan (shudder). I'm indifferent towards Rush Limbaugh. I'm probably the only one in the country who is. Sports unify people of all persuasions.
Uh Petey... just curious on how you figure that 2 out of 8 years equals "most of the Bush years" in terms of there being a liberal Congress?
I'll take Rush over the phony Obama any day. Keep on posting anything about Rush - RUSH is RIGHT.
TonyMantini was right, Rush has been a Steeler fan for at least 30 years, Obama for as long as it suited is election hopes.
Obama has no clue what he is doing as president and we are all paying for it!
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