Thanks to the fine folks at Mountain Dew, we're able to offer a pretty cool caption contest this week. Post a hilarious caption to this photo of Ben Roethlisberger in the comments section below (please, no emails) and you'll be automatically entered to win a Mountain Dew Voltage prize pack, which includes actual Mountain Dew Voltage (charged with raspberry citrus and ginseng) and some extra goodies. The deadline for entries on this contest is next Wednesday, March 18, at 12 PM.
Last year, over a quarter million votes helped Mountain Dew Voltage win the DEWmocracy election. The taste, name and color of all three ‘candidates’ were also developed by DEW fans. Mountain Dew® is also running an online sweepstakes to promote the new drink by offering them a chance to win great prizes such as gaming gear, iPods and snowboards. Check it out here: www.dewmocracyvoltage.com.
Last year, over a quarter million votes helped Mountain Dew Voltage win the DEWmocracy election. The taste, name and color of all three ‘candidates’ were also developed by DEW fans. Mountain Dew® is also running an online sweepstakes to promote the new drink by offering them a chance to win great prizes such as gaming gear, iPods and snowboards. Check it out here: www.dewmocracyvoltage.com.
And while we're on the topic of prizes, congratulations to Chris F. of Brooklyn, who won last week's contest.
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com.
"Suck it" Carson Palmer
If you bring up the fact that I have the fattest face of any Super Bowl winning Quarterback again, I will punch you in the face.
ya.... I know your wondering..... and yes it is that big.
With Ben's reputation with reporters slowly deteriorating after incidents like blowing off Andrea Kramer's post-game questions during week 2 at Cleveland and the mysterious rib 'injury' he supposedly played with during SBXLIII, he has now been reduced to interviewing himself.....with an imaginary microphone.
Did that Hooters have some skanky waitresses or what?
Whats that Wiz? You didn't hear me? Let me turn it up!!!
Wings and Rings!!!
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it. Oh-oh-oh
Everytime I come around your city
Bling bling !
Everytime I come eat them wingys
Bling bling!
Keep Winning Til Super Bowl Fiddy
Bling Bling!
Fan: Wow! Where do ya get something like that? Polyester R' Us?
Ben: The ring! I'm talking about the ring.
You should see where I'm wearing my other ring...
Put that camera away or I'll give you a knuckle sammich.
Kyle's was pretty sweet so I am not going to bother.
Hey Rihanna, good thing I didn't loan this to Chris.
I understand the mistake...but don't you EVER call me Chuck Norris.
"Peep my new ring y'all. Almost as big as my face!"
Ben practices with his invisi-microphone for the 2009 edition of his American Idol commercial.
Take that, you freaky piece of shit. You don't mow another guy's lawn.
When I say "Hillshire" you say "Farm". "Hillshire!" "Farm!"....GO MEAT!!
See this finger/See this thumb/See this fist you better run...
So Missy is all like "how can you eat so many corndogs?" and I'm all "just like this, baby!"
This oughta "punch" my ticket to Canton!
Natalie Gulbis has the other one.
Ben demonstrates his version of the Shocker.......Super Bowl style.
The Hooters' waitresses like me for my personality, really.
read between the ring
There's room on this hand for 4 more!!!
"Terrorist fist jab."
My Schwartz is bigger than your Schwartz
"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"
This should get me a date at Hooters.
...I taught Jeff Reed everything he knows...watch out Hooters paper towel dispenser!
My face is still swollen because Colon still can't block a fifth grader.
this is the fist im going to use to punch kevin colbert for putting together the same line that got me killed last season.
I only use the Super Bowl ring when you don't pay your bookie.
This is what you get when you "Hold onto the ball for too long".
Check out my sweet decoder ring I got out of my cereal this morning!
Ben Roethlisberger further proves he did not steal Snowflake...it was Ray Finkle!
In keeping with his four year stretch of always appearing on the injury report this week Ben Roethlisburger is being listed as "Questionable - Douchebag"
I wanted to be a boxer but there wasnt a weight class for my head.
"Wing a Ding, RING!"...now at Hooters!
Free Superbowl ring with every Hooterstizer purchase.
Ben: Let's settle this like men...Rock, Paper, Scissors.... SHOOT!!!!!
Now all I need is a Motorcycle helmet!
"Hey Camera Man Dude...how 'bout they still don't know I'm the Ben Roethlisberger impersonator...Knuck me up, bro!"
Imagine how many more of these I'll have once I have an actual offensive line!
So who won this caption contest? I didn't see.
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