All week, I was looking forward to my Friday podcast with Dave so we could discuss where the historic plays of Super Bowl XLIII would rank in our ongoing list of The Greatest Plays in Pittsburgh Sports History. I'm not going to play spoiler, but my answer just might surprise you.
The bulk of our discussion was putting the final touches on the season that was 2008-09 for the Pittsburgh Steelers, but we did manage to smoothly transition into a little Pens talk, with just a tad of Pitt Panther basketball for good measure. The Steelers' schedule might be complete, but we've still got a lot to look forward to in the following months. Right, newly-outspoken Geno?

The bulk of our discussion was putting the final touches on the season that was 2008-09 for the Pittsburgh Steelers, but we did manage to smoothly transition into a little Pens talk, with just a tad of Pitt Panther basketball for good measure. The Steelers' schedule might be complete, but we've still got a lot to look forward to in the following months. Right, newly-outspoken Geno?

To listen, visit the link below:
Mondesi's House/Dave Dameshek podcast 2/6/09
When you're on Dave's site, don't forget to catch his new podcast with ESPN's Bill Simmons, as well as Dave's Super Bowl 43 Party photo gallery.