Lots to catch up on with this week's podcast with Dave Dameshek, who bravely battled on despite the presence of a nasty cold. We had a Steeler game that Dave and I both attended, the just-completed NFL MVP balloting (Manning in a runaway?), the troubles of the Penguins, Nittany Lion fans drinking the Penn State Kool-Aid, the most boring bowl game in history, and Pitt's narrow win over Rutgers in men's hoops. Plus, we had a lengthy discussion on fan apparel, specifically jerseys and what a Pittsburgher should be wearing. I say if you get one choice among all Pittsburgh athletes you've gotta go with a 66 from the Stanley Cup years.

To listen, visit the link below:
Mondesi's House/Dave Dameshek ESPN.com podcast 1/2/09
Send your news, tips, and links to Mondesishouse@gmail.com